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Not sure what to give an England fan for Christmas?


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funny how the english can remember 1966 41years on but they seem to fail to remember 1967 forty years on


Couldn't have said it better myself, we're still hearing about 1966 yet but 1967 :shrug:


And whenever there's trouble at a game it's always the England fans :rofl:

Edited by xj40
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we will if you english shut up about 1966 ;)

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i don't remember 1966 :unsure: i also don't watch football :unsure: but i know how annoying you scottish can be do you ever shut up change the racord now please...




im sorry i cant change the racord as my racord playir is broked


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i think to sort all this out


is to have an ukdirt England V ukdirt Scotland football match somewhere lol



now that sounds like a plan, i wanna mark young calum, changing records will be the least of his worries





lol would be a good idea like to be honest..2 matches..1 match in england..and the other in scotland.

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