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Bolton Wanderers gettin into europe for the first time ever with a team made up of pensioners and has beens Absolutley fantastic  surprise.gif  thumbup.gif wd to baggies for stayin up proved it can be done with team at chrimbo being bottom in league thumbs_up.gif

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West Brom ? I must admit I wanted them to go down. Dont like the manager (for obvious reasons) and they took 4 points of City this season (a bit of a bogey team for us)


The Champs.


Well done to Chelsea, well deserved, plus they only got 1 point off City. (Can we play them every week?)


Runners Up


Arsenal still look good to me (look what they did to Everton last week) and good luck to them in the Cup Final.


The Cheats


Well they managed to cheat their way to 3rd. (sure Rubber will back me up after that goal spurs "scored" at OT ). Must admit I loved the game last week against Chelsea....


Cheat no 10 scores for the reds when cheat no 7 is offside     1-0 to the cheats

chelsea wake caroll up with a good goal                                1-1

Cheat no 7 dives for a pen and the ball goes up the other end for a goal 1-2 Chelsea

Chelsea manage to score a 3rd that was offside At OT (unthinkable) he he.


Well done to everton for getting the champs league place and also a great acheivement for Bolton too.


Hope Liverpool go on to win the champs league.


As for my team I must admit I think they did well this season. Only just missed out of qualifiying for europe.

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Hope Liverpool go on to win the champs league.


You're not the only one. I also hope UEFA relax their entry rules so that Liverpool can defend their title (assuming they win it of course).

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Guest Trash
You're not the only one. I also hope UEFA relax their entry rules so that Liverpool can defend their title (assuming they win it of course).



Dont see why they should Kev to be honest!


Everton should have been in Europe twice in the 80's but couldn't because of what happened. If Liverpool were allowed in at Everton's expense (I don't see how else they would get in as it would make an odd number of teams) then that would blow big time.


European champs or not, if you can't get into the top 4 of the domestic league then you have no rights to a place in a Champions League, which should be only open to the winners of each domestic league anyway I say.


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I don't see why Liverpool can't be added into the preliminary rounds of the CL if they win. It would give some Lithuanian amateurs a better crowd than a visit from Total Network Solutions or whoever Wales will be sending.


It doesn't really matter because Chelsea are going to buy every male in the Northern Hemisphere under the age of 40 during the close season. My agent has got me a sweet deal as beanie hat holder for the fitness coach. 


Same as always, the best team won, If Robben and Duff had been fit all season they would have probably won the CL and FA cup as well. If Cech, Terry, Lampard or Makalele had missed 20 games between them they may have messed it up.


As United fan the most depressing season since Ralphie Milne and Viv Anderson were out there scuffing it about. Fergie doesn't know his best team, Keane, Scholes and Giggs are too old, Ferdinand won't push himself and the rest of the defence give away a chance each a game.


Ronaldo makes me want to turn the telly off (I'm real committed), why can't he cross? why can't he shoot to the far post? why does he run like a pigeon with a stick up his ass?


Rooney is the only bright spot, albeit an incoherent grunter of a bright spot, who Fergie plays on the wing.


The way forward is Argentinian football 3am on Channel 5, pidgin English commentators (but still better than Motson) loads of fouls, great hair 70s hair and beards.

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Carrying on the debate with the Champions league spots, It seems to me that the whole thing has been devalued over the last few years anyway with UEFA trying to counteract any attempt at a breakaway European super league. Obviously letting the top 4 in the major leagues (spain, italy, england and germany) in europe was the only way to do this.


Considering the whole thing is called the Champions League it would be a shame imo if the champions of europe wern't allowed in the tournament proper next year. It isnt the first time its happened either assuming Liverpool will win it. Real Madrid finished 5th in the league a while back behind Real Zaragoza in the year they won it, guess who got the champions league spot.


With respect to the Chelsea buy everyone tactic, I think it will implode sooner or later, the top three this year have pulled away from the rest of the league in terms of quality and money spent.....Liverpool finished 5th and where closer in points to the relegation spots than the top of the league.


It makes you wonder about where Football in this country is heading with Arsenal just about to start a major sponsorship deal, Manchester United with the Glazier thing and Chelsea who started the whole money spending trend off in the first place.





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I agree with Grasser, if Liverpool are the champions of europe then they should be allowed in as holders.


But as most of u say it is the CHAMPIONS league and in my opinion only the champions of each european league should be playing in it. If that was the case then Liverpool wouldn't even be in the final and there wouldn't be the problem of them being allowed in when not finishing in the top 4!


Another thing that gets on my tits is why they can't use some sort of video playback or sensor like in rugby league or cricket which would determine if the ball has crossed the line or not.


Being a big Spurs fan, the goal against United which was disallowed cost us 2 points which may of got us into Europe and its costing other teams valuable points and money.


With all these millions they blow on building Wembley and shafting secretaries u would of thought they could spare a few quid putting some sort of camera in the goal posts to tell if the ball had crossed the line or not!


Anyway back to dreaming of Europe loooool!

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No need for a debate now  rofl.gif



HOLD THE BACK PAGES - Could Mav be wrong yet again !!!! rofl.gif

Credit where credit is due - Well Done Liverpool !


Who is gonna get it ??? Stay tuned !


DREADED PENALTIES !!!!! Stay Tuned !


I take it all back - Let the debate begin !!!!!!!


Well Done LIVERPOOL !!!!!!  appl.gif

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