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Skin Upload Details: Start of '08 Season


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Hi all,


It's that time of year again when I start getting grumpy over pixels! It's time to start collecting for the UKDirt rFactor F1 2008 start of season skinpacks! You have just over 4 weeks to get your skins in.




Please read this thread carefully and it'll be a piece of cake :thumbup:





Grades for the rFactor half of the league will be announced soon. However, this doesn't mean you have to wait until then to upload your skins, as I require you to upload skins for ALL GRADES. So i will need white, yellow, blue and red from everybody.


However, what I will say on that matter is there's no point of people like Hutch and Drumbstick uploading white and yellow roof skins. Just blue and red will be fine for them. I can't see either dropping below s/s or red, but its nice to have the blue there just incase Hutch loses all his setups. So upload what you feel is correct for you. Consistent red roofs probably won't need a white skin, but have a yellow there just incase. If your really worried, upload them all. And if your a white/yellow roof now, upload all skin colours cause you never know if your gonna climb the grades quickly in the early season! I will inform you if I think you get it wrong, lol!




What do I need to upload?

You need to upload one ZIP file containing all your skins, tarmac and shale, and the corresponding VEH files.


Regarding VEH files; it makes my life much easier if you write one out correctly, but if your not sure what your doing then I will do it no problem. I've included some NEW example veh files below which are setup correctly (team names and correct file naming for each chassis) which you can just edit for your details (numbers, names etc).




(Note: these VEH files won't work in game unless you create a UKDirt (Tarmac) folder in the TarmacOL skins folder (and likewise for shale). Again, don't mess if you don't know what your doing, as it has the potential of causing you many problems..... ask somebody who knows, and/or refer to the skin guide on the ukdirt website).




Where do I upload my skins?

Please upload your skins to the UKDirt website. Do this by logging in, and going to 'Skin Uploads' on the members menu. Select the rFactor F1 option, choose your file then upload. Make sure the file is a ZIP file and not a RAR file!!! I will start a list at the bottom of this post to keep track of who's skins I have - give me at least 48 hours before asking whether i got it or not! If you have any problems, attach your skins to a post below.





The rules page is still being worked on for the UKDirt website, but I wanted to start collecting as soon as possible, so post #2 in this thread contains a rough outline of the rules for you to look over. Please follow closely and ask if your unsure - I having to PM to tell you that the skin you've worked on for hours on end is not UKDirt legal, so save me the guilt! lol!




I think thats all of it anyway, probably isn't but we'll soon find out!






Skins Uploaded:

Johno 3

Tosh 8

Marky 18

Splinter 20

LeeK 39

Drumbstick 41

Crazy Fool 47

Dino 66

Walker 74

Albz 106


Kruiz 136

MoR 137

Fourwinds 156

Rodder 159

Jarry 164

Aub 188

Kendo 192

Vegas 202

Fritz 215

Spike 221

Grasser 233

DanSkin 236

chriseaves 272

Mr Beef 286

Ironmac 288

Dazza 290

Marten 291

Matty 300

Sybe 315

db 318

LSF 320

Hutch 331

Fat Dave 488

Wrighty 496

Big Al 515

Harold 599


Total Drivers Uploaded: 37


Edited by MoR137
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Skin Rules (could be subject to change)



  • Roof colour must be correctly painted as in real life BriSCA F1, according to your current grade.
  • Novice skins are not permitted for use in UK Dirt F1 race meetings, although they can still be used in practice sessions. New drivers requiring skins should see the Skin Request section of the Official UK Dirt Forum.
  • Once a driver picks his chassis/body colours for a chosen chassis, he should keep them the same for as long as he uses that chassis. So if possible, if he changes grade he should try to only change his roof / aerofoil colour to suit. This measure is to stop the absurd amounts of switching paint schemes we have seen from some people in the past, as it caused a lot of confusion and made it hard for some to know ‘who was who’ from month to month
  • You may only change your skin when your grade changes, or you have permission from the UK-Dirt F1 Admin team
  • Designs closely based on real life F1 or F2 cars are not allowed, unless raced by the driver in question (or mechanic/family member thereof). Ask if your unsure.
  • Skins are released ONLY through official UK-Dirt F1 skin packs
  • You must submit your correctly graded skin to the skin coordinator (MoR) by the deadline.
  • No swearing or obscenities to be used on any skin
  • Drivers not racing incorrectly graded skins (for WHATEVER reason) will be required to start at the back of the grid, another ‘grade-gap’ behind the superstars. Be aware that any driving from this start position neglectful of or intentionally damaging the race of those cars ahead will be dealt with severly.
  • Anybody using Superstar lights when they shouldn't be will be given a warning. If they fail to correct it after this warning, they may be considered for Disciplinary action.
  • Any driver seen to be racing with no skin (default car template which appears when there is a lack of skin) will have all their points scored whilst racing with a red car, taken away. He/she will be informed of this & will be given the opportunity to correct the situation, but under no circumstances will points be returned



  • Only 2 chassis at one time (1 shale, 1 tarmac), and 3 in total, are allowed during the season. Only exceptions will be if new cars are released mid-way through the year when this rule will be reviewed - although mass changes will NOT be allowed and it may turn out that a limited amount of drivers are allowed to change to newly released chassis on a first come first served basis
  • You may only change your chassis when submitting a new skin for grading changes, or you have permission from the UK-Dirt F1 Admin team. You are allowed 1 chassis change during the season (thats 1 altogether, not 1 for tarmac and 1 for shale).
  • A driver may only race 1 chassis per UK-Dirt F1 meeting. Any driver seen to change chassis will have the points scored that meeting removed and may be considered for Disciplinary action
  • A list of tarmac/shale chassis can be found on the skin painting guide on the UKDirt website.
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At the moment I am having problem opening the upload tool, so upload skins here until I say otherwise please :thumbup:


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Hi Mor

Tried upload section but saying incorrect file type :shrug:


So uploading here.


Think its correct, contact me if its not.




Mr Beef



Make sure when uploading thats the files are zipped up and you use Internet Explorer to upload aswell as the upload tool plays up with other browsers for some reason.

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Hi Mor

Tried upload section but saying incorrect file type :shrug:


So uploading here.


Think its correct, contact me if its not.




Mr Beef


Uploaded ur skin and had no problems. :shrug:

Happens sometimes.


Attention MoR:

Beef's zip-file is now also in the upload/rfactor folder.


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Thanks Beef, got it from the upload tool just fine :thumbup: A great example of a perfect upload too, could just drop it straight into game and check, took me 2 minutes tops! (didn't need the upgrade files though, thanks anyway :thumbup: )


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I forgot to mention, everyone likes to see what their opposition is going to look like this season, so why not post a picture of your skins HERE?!


The quality looks really high so far this year! :thumbup:

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No problem, thanks for the PM. Again, I didn't need the upgrade files so they have been deleted and replaced with the default ones.



All ok, though I don't have a yellow shale skin for you?


Otherwise, CAN EVERYONE PLEASE REMEMBER TO RESIZE SKINS TO 1024 X 512 WHEN SAVING AS A DDS if you do submit a 2048 x 1024 its not too much hassle, as I can just resize and re-save them, but it's not most fun way to spend my evenings.... lol.


List Updated :thumbup:


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Thx Mor i don't know how that happened i will check with my skinpainter see if he can help i had them all together for the 1st F1 skinpack before the new mod came out if i get it sorted i will re do the file and if i cant upload them on ukdirt site i will send you a pm if thats ok :2:

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Just to let you lot know, if you upload in the next couple of days i may be a little bit late updating the list as I'm not at home until Friday so won't have access to the game/upload stuff. :thumbup:

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awrite MOR is there anychance of me sending my skins over msn to you when ever your on as my Internet explorer is'nt working (dont ask :banghead2: and it won't let me upload on firefox :shrug: .


sorry for any hassles.




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List Updated...


Just another thing to note (Not a moan, but something to add to my first post really, its a learning experience for me as I've no idea what problems might occur during this process), I don't need you to make your own team folders - everyones will be put in the UKDirt (Tarmac) and UKDirt (Shale) folders, and again, upgrades will not be fixed in the skinpack so no need to fix it to a certain upgrade file.


Also, u can use your normal number for both skins, u do not need shale numbers for rFactor :thumbs_up:


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Hi all,


I've received a lot of PMs about the resizing of skins and the loss of quality, so here's a quick post explaining why.


The great thing about DDS files is that they compress really well, tiny in fact, so when you zip them up, you'll notice a dramatic reduction in file size. This is the same when I pack them into an installer, the compression results in a smaller installer size. Great for uploading and downloading the installers.


However, this also gives off the impression that what you are about to unpack is small, when in fact, it's not.


Converting your skins from 2048 x 1024 size to 1024 x 768 reduces the file size of a DDS dramatically. Using the nVidia plugin, a DDS at 2048 x 1024 will result in a 1.3mb file, whereas a 1024 x 512 DDS results in a 350kb file. This reduction by 1mb per skin, over 8 skins per person, means that we are saving 8mb per person by converting the skins to this resolution.


At the moment, the skinpack stands at 44mb on disc, with 18 people having uploaded so far. If we were using 2048 x 1024 skins, that 44mb would make a massive jump to 288mb.


There's been quite a slow trickle of skins so far, but there's usually a last minute rush so I'm expecting possibly double this amount after the deadline has passed.


Whilst 'these days' computers have massive hard drives so this amount of space shouldn't affect anybody too significantly, its important to remember that the game has to load these skins, and the more you ask it to load, the slow it will run, fps will drop etc......


This season is all about attracting new drivers to the mod, and if we ignore the fact that not everybody has a flashy gaming pc, that isn't going to happen. The decision to run lower resolution skins was also based on the following.


During the final stages of making the full mod in December, Grasser went through all the textures on the car (wheels/engine parts etc) and resized them to a lower resolution and the impact on fps was extremely noticeable, even to those with higher end pc's. This reduction does reduce image quality, but how many of you noticed any reduction in quality on the aforementioned parts from the beta mod?


I appreciate the skins don't look as good as they could, and it can be frustrating, but I think the reasoning behind this decision is justified and should result in a better online racing experience, especially for those on lower end pc's. It's something we will look into again in the future, but for now, this is the rationale behind it.





PS - Technically, you could put your 2048 x 1024 skins into the game once you've installed the skinpack, as long as file names are exactly the same as the skinpack, otherwise you will get mismatches..... will you really notice it whilst racing?

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why not just have 1 of each tar/shale skin instead of 8 skins each like its usualy done :shrug:


Solves the disk space problem, but doesn't address the frames per second 'issue' for lower end pc users.

Edited by MoR137
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