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Posted (edited)



I have done some searching on the net about lag/warp and below is what I have found.

It all comes from forums, websites & developers.

Some of u may not like it, but thats how it is.


WHAT IS LAG (warp)?

Lag is a symptom where result of an action appears later than expected. While different kinds of latency are well defined technical terms, lag is the symptom, not the cause.

Ping is a measure of Latency, which is a scientific measurement of how long it takes data to get from the game server to the gamer’s PC. We definitely think Ping is A cause, but just not THE cause. We have all been in plenty of games where everyone’s Ping is super low, yet we still suffer from Lag.


The Causes of Lag


Lag is caused by three main things.


1) Inadequate network performance

First, and most obvious, is that Lag is caused whenever latency does spike above 150ms.

Latency would spike above 150ms for a variety of reasons including when a packet is lost, a router is congested, or a broadband service is overloaded (such as over-utilized cable modems).


2) Inadequate server processing power

Lag is also caused by the server being overly congested. This is true for both massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) and twitch multiplayer games. In the MMOGs, server crowding becomes an issue when there is a big event, a natural reason for congregation, or any time that users wish to populate a small portion of the game world apart from another. This problem is exponential in nature. The more users, the worse things get. Ultimately, the central game server (or game zone server) is so overburdened, that many players leave the area because of Lag. This lets the server catch up, but many gamers are left frustrated, because of a bad ‘in-game event’ or simply because they could not participate in the most fun thing to do online: play in a big group. In the MMOG

world, the problem is usually not bandwidth or latency related, but is related to the amount of per-user processing that must occur in the game zone server.


3) Inadequate client computer processing power

Another cause of Lag is client slowness. Client slowness is a large cause of Lag because it entails anything that is happening in your PC to cause a slower than expected experience. Today’s PC systems are typically CPU limited, BUS limited, or HARD DRIVE limited. CPU limited is the most common today, because of the massive amounts of processing and ‘data-moving’ required in modern games. All that data has to get to the graphics processing unit (GPU) somehow, and all too often, the CPU is busy moving data from one place to another. This cause of Lag is usually associated with a loss in frames-per-second, but where more GPU horse-power would not really help.


The 2 biggest causes of Lag is server congestion/slowness, whether by CPU limit or bandwidth limit, and client slowness.


While there are a few other minor causes, these three causes of Lag constitute the majority of the problem causes of Lag today.



Now what does the above mean for us ??


1) Inadequate network performance


Wireless is not ideal for online gaming. Its perfectly okay for internet-use, but when it comes to online gaming, its too unstable.

This is because ur signal changes all the time (It only takes a bit of interference to case packet loss for a split-second).

Interference can be caused by a microwave which is switched on, a TV close to ur router/modem, other electrical machines close to ur router/modem, the distance between PC & router/modem (USB is max. 5 metres), mobile phones and even the bricks in the walls. Don’t forget that the ceilings are made from steel reinforced concrete, so having the putter upstairs and the router/modem downstairs may cause probs.


As u can see a whole lot of things can cause interference, which in turn causes packet-loss, which in turn causes latency and that’s gonna cause lag.


A wireless connection will never provide the same latency and quality as a wired connection, unless u are using some really expensive gear and load it appropriately.


Wired & wireless connections can have a prob when any excess length of signal or power cables are coiled up.


2) Inadequate server processing power


The Cybernectic-servers, that we have, comes with quad-core CPU (each 2,4 GHz) and 8 GB of RAM.

Not really lacking power I think.


What about the download/uploadspeed then ??


I tested the server using http://www.speedtest.net/result/241511392.png .

The important bit for us is the upload-speed.

Now Heat needs 1932 kb/s upload-speed when running 24 players (thick).

If I read it correctly its 1932 in total, but to make sure I have calculated how much is needed if every player is 1932 kb/s

24 times 1932 = 46368 kb/s.

Available to us is 66633 kb/s.

More then enough, I think



What about the connection of the Cybernetic-server then ??


Well, I did a traceroute to my IP and below are the results.

U need to look at the 1st 3 HOPS. Those are the ones that tell the story regarding THEIR connection to the net.

HOP 1 = server to router

HOP 2 = router to modem

HOP 3 = modem to ISP

HOP 4 and further = beyond their network.


C:\Documents and Settings\UK-Dirt>tracert 84.xx.xxx.xxx


Tracing route to cp33324-a.gelen1.lb.home.nl

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 1.c-servers.com

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms mer-thn.10g.lon.as33970.net

4 7 ms 8 ms 7 ms thn-tc2.10g.nl.as33970.net

5 7 ms 7 ms 7 ms bb1.amsix-nikhef.home.nl

6 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms bb1-ae0-0.tilbu1.nb.home.nl

7 10 ms 10 ms 10 ms csw1-pc111.tilbu1.nb.home.nl

8 13 ms 12 ms 12 ms csw2-ge2-1.gelen1.lb.home.nl

9 12 ms 13 ms 13 ms ubr2-ge0-2-202.gelen1.lb.home.nl

10 18 ms 19 ms 18 ms cp33324-a.gelen1.lb.home.nl


Trace complete.


As u can see their connections to the WorldWideWeb is excellent.


3) Inadequate client computer processing power


I love those comments:

“I cant be warping. I had a ping of 26”.


What they are forgetting is, that having a low ping doesn’t mean ur not lagging.

Lagging can be caused by Spyware/malware, ur registry, ur graphics-card in combo with on what resolution and details ur running the game or if u have anything running in the background.

Lag can be caused by a whole bunch of things.

Even the distance between u & the server can be part of it.



Now what can u do ??



Run a traceroute to (cybernetic-server)

Do as follows:

Goto RUN and type cmd. Press enter




Type tracert and press enter




Once the traceroute has been completed, click on the little black box (top lefthand corner) and select EDIT and then SELECT ALL




The black box will turn white now




Again.......click on the little black box (top lefthand corner) and select EDIT and then COPY




Paste it into notepad and save the file




U need to look at the 1st 3 HOPS. Those are the ones that tell the story.

Hop 1 higher then hop 2 and/or ping's are uneven:

Most likely u have malware/spyware on ur putter. Start cleaning it and when ur done clean the registery.

Hop 2 higher then hop 3:

Relocate router and modem to some place that are a few feet away from ALL other electrical devices, including apart from each other (this especially applies to wireless connections).

Also, make sure you do not coil up any excess length of signal or power cables.


Done the above and still same result............start hassling ur ISP.


If u see * at any HOP, that means u lost packages and lost of packages means LAG.


If u want u can send me the outcome of the traceroute by PM or email, so I can take a look at it.

Also we can ask Cybernetic to check it if u wish.



Plug the internet straight into your computer, because every time data hits a piece of hardware on the net your latency goes up. More latency could potentially mean more Lag. If you follow this tip, please make sure your computer is protected with a good firewall software when connected to the net.



We all hate viruses, but anti-virus software eats up valuable CPU cycles that could be spent helping you frag your enemy. Turn it off, and free up your processor to focus on the game. Don't forget to turn your anti-virus software back on or run regular scans when not playing!



The faster your ISP service is, the lower your latency will be. The lower your latency is, the less Lag you’ll experience.



If there are applications or background tasks running, it’s a sure bet that your machine is going to devote some CPU to it. Don’t let it happen!!!!



Nothing can slow down a machine like a good dose of Spyware. Don’t let those murderous bastards who write Spyware ruin your game.



This is a well known trick to improve system performance.





Installing and un-installing will fill ur registry and it will slow ur putter.


As u can see its not clearcut to say...........server is too blame or the members are to blame nor the connections are too blame.









Edited by MC388

Get MORE 20% bandwidth with Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000, or Windows XP Professional:


Run and type “gpedit.msc”

- click on Local Computer Policy

- click on Computer Configuration

- click on Administrative Templates

- click on Network

- click on QOS Packet Scheduler

- Doubleclick on Limit Reservable Bandwidth

- tick Enabled reservable bandwidth and set it to 0.


Default by windows is 20%.


One small thing MC, anyone with a speedtouch router will see a first hop of 90 or so,this is because the box does not answer internal ping request very well and is not anything which will effect the connection.


I forgot to mention............

I can do a reverse traceroute from server to ur IP, so if want that then pm/email me with ur IP and I will do that.




How do i clean my registry?? sounds like it would be useful but i have no idea how to do it :shrug:


cheers :thumbs_up:

Posted (edited)

1 other factor you may want to look at , see pipex, taken over by tiscali


support section url



pipex and quite a few other isp's have started to throtle ping at peak times to prioritize http traffic,


as ping is a major part of gaming and what your isp considers peak times, you may be suffering from this also

Edited by demonstone
  matthew413 said:

Hang on.. are you telling us our servers are now located in Holland?




No, the servers are located in London. You are seeing links to Holland in MCs screenshots due to MC being in Holland.

Posted (edited)

Heres mine MC, everytime i perform a trace it always gets the same results - the highest ping is at the servers end.


Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms

2 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms

3 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms

4 39 ms 35 ms 34 ms lonap1.enta.net

5 37 ms 35 ms 36 ms te5-1.telehouse-north0.core.enta.net

6 36 ms 35 ms 37 ms te5-2.global-switch.core.enta.net

7 34 ms 37 ms 36 ms te1-1.interxion.core.enta.net

8 37 ms 37 ms 35 ms te5-1.telehouse-metro.core.enta.net

9 114 ms 115 ms 114 ms 1.c-servers.com


Would you be able to do a trace from the server to me for me a some point please mate.

Edited by MC388
Posted (edited)
  LeeK39 said:

  matthew413 said:

Hang on.. are you telling us our servers are now located in Holland?




No, the servers are located in London. You are seeing links to Holland in MCs screenshots due to MC being in Holland.

Heres my trace

Is there room for improvement???


Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms BelkinModem.Belkin

2 41 ms 40 ms 36 ms ge0-1.lns1-c1.tcl.planet.net.uk

3 38 ms 42 ms 45 ms ge1-0.pbr-1.tcl.as5388.net

4 31 ms 39 ms 35 ms pos0-0.ber-1.tcl.as5388.net

5 34 ms 35 ms 37 ms 10ge.the.uk.claire.as33970.net

6 36 ms 39 ms 38 ms the-mer.10g.lon.as33970.net

7 * 34 ms 34 ms 1.c-servers.com

Trace complete.

Edited by MC388
  elwellfan501 said:

How do i clean my registry?? sounds like it would be useful but i have no idea how to do it :shrug:


cheers :thumbs_up:


Start looking for a program, like CCleaner or Registry First Aid.

Those programs can clean ur registry without any probs.





  Mart 870 said:

Heres mine MC, everytime i perform a trace it always gets the same results - the highest ping is at the servers end.


Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms

2 34 ms 34 ms 34 ms

3 35 ms 35 ms 35 ms

4 39 ms 35 ms 34 ms lonap1.enta.net

5 37 ms 35 ms 36 ms te5-1.telehouse-north0.core.enta.net

6 36 ms 35 ms 37 ms te5-2.global-switch.core.enta.net

7 34 ms 37 ms 36 ms te1-1.interxion.core.enta.net

8 37 ms 37 ms 35 ms te5-1.telehouse-metro.core.enta.net

9 114 ms 115 ms 114 ms 1.c-servers.com


Would you be able to do a trace from the server to me for me a some point please mate.


Sure, if u pm me ur IP-addy.

Please also provide what kind of connection u have (wireless or not, shared or not).


  6azza said:

Heres my trace

Is there room for improvement???


Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms BelkinModem.Belkin

2 41 ms 40 ms 36 ms ge0-1.lns1-c1.tcl.planet.net.uk

3 38 ms 42 ms 45 ms ge1-0.pbr-1.tcl.as5388.net

4 31 ms 39 ms 35 ms pos0-0.ber-1.tcl.as5388.net

5 34 ms 35 ms 37 ms 10ge.the.uk.claire.as33970.net

6 36 ms 39 ms 38 ms the-mer.10g.lon.as33970.net

7 * 34 ms 34 ms 1.c-servers.com

Trace complete.


2nd & 3rd hop are too high actually, altho they pretty even.

U should be looking for low 20. Prefered is mid-10's.


If Im not mistaken, u have a wireless connection.

If u have the option, plug ur putter straight into the modem (wired) and run another traceroute.







30-40 is quite normal for a line with interleaving applied,a great deal of UK isp's are applying interleaving by default to save some customer service time on unstable lines.You may be able to get it turned of "if" the average cs bod understands what you are talking about,most wont.

The main problem for the non techie is even finding out if it is applied in the first place.

Kitz is a great site for adsl troubleshooting and information.

Posted (edited)
  elwellfan501 said:

How do i clean my registry?? sounds like it would be useful but i have no idea how to do it :shrug:


cheers :thumbs_up:


ccleaner can be found at link below :thumbs_up:




Registry first aid



Edited by walker

Seems a bit erratic from our leased line (Demon) at work:

Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

4 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms no-dns-yet.demon.co.uk []

5 8 ms 6 ms 16 ms no-dns-yet.demon.co.uk []

6 25 ms 25 ms 26 ms anchor-border-1-g4-0-0.router.demon.net []

7 222 ms 208 ms 203 ms 10ge.the.uk.claire.as33970.net []

8 27 ms 34 ms 65 ms the-mer.10g.lon.as33970.net []

9 28 ms 28 ms 53 ms 1.c-servers.com []



  matthew413 said:

Seems a bit erratic from our leased line (Demon) at work:

Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms

4 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms no-dns-yet.demon.co.uk []

5 8 ms 6 ms 16 ms no-dns-yet.demon.co.uk []

6 25 ms 25 ms 26 ms anchor-border-1-g4-0-0.router.demon.net []

7 222 ms 208 ms 203 ms 10ge.the.uk.claire.as33970.net []

8 27 ms 34 ms 65 ms the-mer.10g.lon.as33970.net []

9 28 ms 28 ms 53 ms 1.c-servers.com []


Hop 7 is the prob, but thats something u cant do anything about.

I would run another traceroute. It happens sometimes...........these high pings.

Could be that it was busy at the time on that backbone.


  Dino said:

One small thing MC, anyone with a speedtouch router will see a first hop of 90 or so,this is because the box does not answer internal ping request very well and is not anything which will effect the connection.


Thnx for the info............didnt know :thumbs_up:

  Dino said:

30-40 is quite normal for a line with interleaving applied,a great deal of UK isp's are applying interleaving by default to save some customer service time on unstable lines.You may be able to get it turned of "if" the average cs bod understands what you are talking about,most wont.

The main problem for the non techie is even finding out if it is applied in the first place.

Kitz is a great site for adsl troubleshooting and information.


will have a read thru it...............thnx again. :thumbs_up:


  • 2 weeks later...

as requested MC, heres my trace



Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


C:\Documents and Settings\scott>tracert


Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 45 ms 99 ms 99 ms api.home []

2 26 ms 27 ms 25 ms

3 26 ms 26 ms 26 ms

4 25 ms 26 ms 25 ms

5 27 ms 25 ms 26 ms

6 25 ms 26 ms 25 ms

7 41 ms 27 ms 26 ms

8 27 ms 26 ms 25 ms core2-pos12-0.edinburgh.ukcore.bt.net [194.72.17


9 33 ms 33 ms 31 ms core2-pos8-0.manchester.ukcore.bt.net [62.6.204.


10 40 ms 39 ms 38 ms core2-pos0-1-5-0.ilford.ukcore.bt.net [62.6.201.


11 39 ms 39 ms 40 ms core2-pos9-0.telehouse.ukcore.bt.net [


12 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms

13 47 ms 203 ms 116 ms te5-3.telehouse-east2.core.enta.net [87.127.236.


14 40 ms 40 ms 39 ms te4-4.telehouse-east.core.enta.net [


15 40 ms 39 ms 39 ms te5-1.telecity-hex.core.enta.net [


16 38 ms 39 ms 39 ms te5-3.telehouse-metro.core.enta.net [87.127.236.


17 39 ms 37 ms 37 ms 1.c-servers.com []


Trace complete.


C:\Documents and Settings\scott>



cheers Prydie

Posted (edited)

1st HOP looks a bit high.

U might wanna check for malware/spyware on ur putter m8 and run the traceroute again.

Edited by MC388
  • 6 months later...

heres my trace........


Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.


C:\Documents and Settings\Kelly Wilson>tracert


Tracing route to 1.c-servers.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:


1 16 ms 17 ms 17 ms lo99.he-2-dsl.as9105.net []

2 14 ms 15 ms 17 ms g110.he-lon1.as9105.net []

3 16 ms 17 ms 17 ms xe-0-3-0-0.lon20.ip.tiscali.net []


4 16 ms 15 ms 17 ms

5 17 ms 17 ms 17 ms ldn-bb1-link.telia.net []

6 16 ms 17 ms 17 ms ldn-b1-link.telia.net []

7 24 ms 21 ms 23 ms telia-as33970-net-ic-123529-ldn-b1.c.telia.net []

8 22 ms 23 ms 23 ms 1.c-servers.com []


Trace complete.


C:\Documents and Settings\Kelly Wilson>

  • 2 years later...
Posted (edited)

Could someone please help me as i am being told by some (not all as some say i am fine) in server when i race that i am warpy.


I have done the trace thingy and this is what i am getting....




Any advice or help in anyway would be gratefully appreciated.

Many thanks



P.S. I always run end it all and ccleaner before every meeting and make sure all my auto updates are turned off as well as my firewall etc.

New_Text_Document.txtFetching info...

Edited by bobbert325

what did your speed test come back with at 8 at night because some internet providers reduce your speed to allow more people access at certain times of day.i had this problem with aol at 430 without fail everyday they would reduce my speed making it impossible to get on the game without warp.



the stars/asterix's on the trace show a packet loss, and this means you will warp basically.


I noticed the first hop states O2WirelessBox.lan which I assume is your router/modem?


If you are running wireless then that is probably your problem, so the first thing I would advise is to wire it in via ethernet cables.


If you are still having packet loss then it could be your firewall settings or more than likely it is your internet provider.


Also I am personally not a big fan of end it all and have recently found and use a much better, easier and user friendly program called Game Booster 2.


google it and give it a try Bobbert.

Posted (edited)

I am on an ethernet cable connected to the router which is in the office and my pc is in the bedroom.

I turn off my windows firewall at the start of every meeting so i guess it can't be that too.

I will google Game Booster 2 and see if i can get it added to pc and see how it goes.

When i did a speed test that night john it was coming back with 200+ ping but my upload and download speeds were stiil at their usual speeds of upload=1mbps ish and download=5mbps

I'm assuming that it is the ping which is causing probs. Can packet data loss be caused by ping or vice versa etc??

How do i reduce my ping if that is the problem?


Thanks very much for the help so far lads. Means a lot that people take the time to read my problem posts and more so that you are willing to try and help with advice etc. Thank You

Edited by bobbert325

your computer sends out a packet of information to a server, the server bounces it back and your computer then counts the time it takes it to return to your computer. that is your ping very basically.


my ping to a game server is approximately 30ms give or take, so if your ping is 200+ms then I can see why your warping to be honest.


the stars/asterix's on your trace test basically mean that the packets of information that were sent out to that server went completely missing. put that into a gaming scenario....your pc sends out packets of information to the game server which basically enable the server to map you in the game and show your car up to everyone. if the packets don't get there then the server cant see you and your car goes invisible to everyone. i.e warp.


go on to pingtest.net and run the test, and post up your results. this test will give you your ping rating and show any packet loss you are having as well.


the fact that you are getting reasonable download speeds sounds badly like your internet provider is throttling the line during peak times. when they do that you will end up with packet loss usually, which means you need to complain to them. unfortunately they won't always do anything about it and you may need to change providers to solve the problem. Other factors in bad connection can be the distance you are away from the telephone exchange and how old the exchange is etc. so sometimes changing providers won't even solve it.


have you used a different provider before this one that you had a better connection with? as it may be worth going back to them mate.

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