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Birmingham 03/03/08: Results


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Hi all,


First of all, well done to Sybe on top scoring after winning both his heats and the final. He didn't fair to well in the GN from the handicap, but well done anyway for having a crack at it.


Was another excellent nights racing all round I think, and was great to be part of what I think is the best final on rF so far. Never before have I seen so many cars battling for position in one space than a few cars lengths in front of me and marten! He commented in chat aswell, so it sure did look good! Was great to get stuck in a couple of laps later too. A really challenging race I thought, without a massive amount of carnage.


Personally, I had another solid night, so I'm waiting for my first duff one of the season now...... it's gonna happen! Lol! So hope you all enjoyed it, if so, get yourselves booked in for next weeks Bradford Tarmac meeting. If you didn't enjoy it as much as me, then book in anyway, we all have bad ones occasionally :thumbup:



Heat 1: 315 136 413 137 331 236 291 288 286 320 300 112 221

Heat 2: 318 202 136 259 300 331 188 291 288 286 233 39 3 DNF: 112

Heat 3: 315 236 413 3 39 137 259 290 233 221 188 318 320 202


A-Final: 315 331 413 318 290 137 286 288 112 291 236 202 3 233 300 320 136 259 DNF: 188 221 39


GN 1: 290 112 286 136 137 331 259 413 233 318 202 288 291 320 315* 300 3 DNF: 188

*Sybe took the handicap




41 pts 315 Sybe Racing

34 pts 413 matthewb

33 pts 331 HUTCH

27 pts 137 MoR

27 pts 290 Dazza

26 pts 318 db

21 pts 286 Mr Beef

21 pts 136 Kruiz

16 pts 112 Tom D

12 pts 259 jimmymuk

10 pts 236 DanSkin

10 pts 288 Ironmac

7 pts 202 Vegas

7 pts 291 Marten

5 pts 3 Johno

4 pts 300 Mattyaspin

4 pts 39 LeeK

4 pts 233 Grasser

2 pts 188 Aub

1 pts 221 Spike

1 pts 320 _LSF_

Edited by MoR137
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Thanks very much to MoR for running a superb meeting. It was done in plenty of time so well done sir.


Congratulations to Sybe on taking the final win, and along with two heats wins, top scoring on the night.


For me the racing was good tonight. As normal I made a few errors which cost me good positions, and a big error in the final on the first bend.


As DB said, he did cost me the grand national, but thanks very much for apologising, and no problems.


I will win a race soon I am sure!!! :rofl:


Anyway, next week is the late start time (9pm) at Bradford Tarmac. If tonight is anything to by, it should be a absolute classic!!!





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Thanks for running the meeting MoR :2:


Up and down night again for me, I set out with the intention of beating Hutch in every race and was on target until near the end of the final, when I was following Hutch in about 4th or 5th getting ready for a pass when I was spun into the armco putting my already damaged and worn car out of controlability and that was me out for the second final in a row, but thats racing.


Note to self, must do better at Bradford.. :coffee:





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