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Bradford Tarmac (10/04/2008)


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Hello Guys,


Sorry once again for the lack of a big write up. Not much time at the minute due to university.


First of all, the all important grade changes for this week.


Sybe #315 up to Blue

Jimmy #259 down to yellow

LSF #320 down to white



After a successful first outing on the tarmac of Birmingham last week, this week Rfactor returns to the tarmac, but this time, the tarmac of Bradford.


This track produced a superb test meeting before the start of the season, and I think the same is only to be expected again.


The racing so far as been sensational, and I wouldnt expect anything less for tomorrows meeting, so how about you come and give it ago. This is perhaps the ideal oppotunity to give it ago before those world championship qualifers begin, as they are now only two weeks away.


16 cars are booked in at the time of writing this. and I woulde xpect this to reach over 20, so why not get yourself booked in for an exciting night of Rfactor F1 racing at its best.





Edited by Johno3
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Should be good fun, any chance of the latest points plz


Hello DB,


The points will not be updated on Kev's site until Friday. He tends to update them every two weeks due to the amount of information that goes on to his site. The points on his site are after two meetings, so they are not that far out of date anyway. Plus the points are on the meeting results from last week, so you shold get a general idea.


Sorry about this, but its just what we have always done.





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