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Skin Upload Details: April Part 2


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Hi all,


As it is WCQR1 next week, I figured that one of two people may wish to start up in rFactor F1s and get scoring. Therefore, I will be releasing part 2 of the April skinpacks next Wednesday (part 1 was released before the Birmingham meeting). So if u fancy a shot, just zip your skins up and attach them to this thread. This skinpack is also open if any current racers want to make a chassis change - read up on the rules regarding them if your not sure.




Please read this thread carefully and it'll be a piece of cake :thumbup:





Grades for the rFactor half of the league will be announced soon. However, this doesn't mean you have to wait until then to upload your skins, as I require you to upload skins for ALL GRADES. So i will need white, yellow, blue and red from everybody.


However, what I will say on that matter is there's no point of people like Hutch and Drumbstick uploading white and yellow roof skins. Just blue and red will be fine for them. I can't see either dropping below s/s or red, but its nice to have the blue there just incase Hutch loses all his setups. So upload what you feel is correct for you. Consistent red roofs probably won't need a white skin, but have a yellow there just incase. If your really worried, upload them all. And if your a white/yellow roof now, upload all skin colours cause you never know if your gonna climb the grades quickly in the early season! I will inform you if I think you get it wrong, lol!




What do I need to upload?

You need to upload one ZIP file containing all your skins, tarmac and shale, and the corresponding VEH files.


Regarding VEH files; it makes my life much easier if you write one out correctly, but if your not sure what your doing then I will do it no problem. I've included some NEW example veh files below which are setup correctly (team names and correct file naming for each chassis) which you can just edit for your details (numbers, names etc).




(Note: these VEH files won't work in game unless you create a UKDirt (Tarmac) folder in the TarmacOL skins folder (and likewise for shale). Again, don't mess if you don't know what your doing, as it has the potential of causing you many problems..... ask somebody who knows, and/or refer to the skin guide on the ukdirt website).




Where do I upload my skins?

For this skinpack, please upload your skins zipped up to this thread please.





Check them out on the UKDirt website!







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but its nice to have the blue there just incase Hutch loses all his setups.


Sounds like you have a plan :rofl:



Do you want me to upload my skins again to this thread mate? Seeing as you are doing hi res & low res packs do you need them both attached here?





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but its nice to have the blue there just incase Hutch loses all his setups.


Sounds like you have a plan :rofl:



Do you want me to upload my skins again to this thread mate? Seeing as you are doing hi res & low res packs do you need them both attached here?






Yes please.


I'm not doing High res skins yet, that will be after next weeks meeting to coincide with the end of the grading period.


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i have both skins done. only the shale one is converted and has a veh file as it was converted by another driver. Is it possible for somebody to convert the tarmac ones for me and write me a veh file?



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i have both skins done. only the shale one is converted and has a veh file as it was converted by another driver. Is it possible for somebody to convert the tarmac ones for me and write me a veh file?




I can sort that for you m8, upload all the relevant bits in a zip :thumbup:

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