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looking for fonts


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would you mind posting the file if you have it, i cant find it on the font sites i use




you won't find it on a font site since it was made for only us online racers/skinpainters and i doubt anyone would post it up.

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u lot getting lazy, in the time ur asking here and waiting for replys you could have made that SAM decal 10 times.

It's square on get lasso tool make selection brush the selection. Drop shadow etc. and done

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:thumbs_up: Thanks sibbs was only looking for the fonts so i could use it for other stuff. Ill probably use the decal when i come to painting the skin it was off cos mine wont look that good thanks


also im sorted with the font now thanks you know who you are (cos i cant remember who sent the pm off the top of my head :shrug: )

Edited by stig727
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