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Trouble getting skin to work

Guest autograss Barker

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Guest autograss Barker

i followed the guides to make my skin and covert it from a tga to tex i made sure it was 24bit and uncompressed and it still will not work when i click on the game and then the profile it loads for a second and then crashes and comes up with this

22.02.703: ======================================================================

22.02.703: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b

22.02.703: ======================================================================

22.02.703: mem: p/s/t t/a 238M/54M 929M/359M 2047M/2022M

22.03.015: JoyBegin

22.03.093: Joystick 0: "Wheel (MadCatz MC2 Racing Wheel)"

22.03.093: joy 0: create_joystick

22.03.093: joy: created 0 as "Wheel (MadCatz MC2 Racing Wheel)"

22.03.093: joy 0: turned off deadzone

22.03.093: joy 0: x-effect unsupported

22.03.125: data directory: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\Data\

22.03.125: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

22.03.125: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

22.03.125: mod: trying mod "TNBangers"...22.03.140: mod.cfg found ok.

22.03.140: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\TNBangers\

22.03.140: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

22.08.625: ddraw: created directdraw with ialmrnt5.dll (Intel® 82865G Graphics Controller)

22.08.625: ddraw: version

22.15.250: vid: 64 meg card (reported:92.675781)

22.15.890: vid: triple buffer on

22.23.968: texture: supports compressed solid texture

22.26.531: mr: 3D performance: 50 MPix/sec, 2090 KTris/sec

22.26.531: mr: fill rate is LAME, poly rate is GOOD, machine speed is 4293598

22.50.000: DirectSoundCreate fails! (DSERR_ALLOCATED)

22.50.000: using sound mixer Sound

23.01.421: Using user driver file

23.01.531: Forcing player to user driver 295

23.01.968: res: ResourceGet("b_career.img") not found, returning NULL!

23.01.968: Empty image: b_career.img


23.05.109: res: ResourceGet("b_paint.img") not found, returning NULL!

23.05.109: Empty image: b_paint.img


23.08.296: res: ResourceGet("B_event2.img") not found, returning NULL!

23.08.296: Empty image: B_event2.img


23.08.687: name = *Belle_Vue.trk/trkshot.img, image = 10ea864

23.15.109: res: ResourceGet("pract.img") not found, returning NULL!

23.15.109: Empty image: pract.img


23.15.109: res: ResourceGet("Record.img") not found, returning NULL!

23.15.109: Empty image: Record.img


23.15.109: res: ResourceGet("b_qualif.img") not found, returning NULL!

23.15.109: Empty image: b_qualif.img


23.17.265: unloading ui: 60.1 MB

23.17.687: unloaded ui: 60.2 MB

23.18.468: ======================================================================

23.18.468: () Panic: Can't load resource set "granIIa.car"

23.18.468: ======================================================================

23.19.406: except: dec: exe 6b06c38

23.19.406: NON-DEBUG

23.19.406: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

23.19.406: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041295B, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041BF87, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041C2EA, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041C2FC, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0040E134, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0040E1E3, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0040E0FB, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004B308B, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004B2AA5, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004E9EC9, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 00496537, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 00496014, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041EBC3, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0041E992, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004B37CA, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004B299A, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 004A955C, call-stack , ? )

23.19.406: ( 0043004F, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 00412102, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 004E7D0F, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 0041290F, call-stack , ? )

23.19.453: ( 004EBC41, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004EBC25, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004EB86E, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E7D62, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041F16D, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041F192, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E7D62, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041F11D, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E9EC9, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00412102, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E7D0F, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041290F, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E9FA8, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E9EC9, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041C6F3, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041C6AD, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0041D5C3, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E7EF9, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E7DC2, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00499035, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00418F24, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00498830, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00496CB8, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 0049672E, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004012BE, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004A942A, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004011E5, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 00413F27, call-stack , ? )

23.19.484: ( 004E81E0, call-stack , ? )


my drivers.text says this

; --------------

; drivers.txt

; use caution when editing this file!!!

; 2ltr @ buxton

; 23/08/2007

; --------------


table Driver

number 295

name TheBitch295

chassis kadettc

rank 1

race_image 100

body_style ccar



table Driver

number 55

name I B4RKER I

chassis granIIa

rank 2

race_image 100

body_style ccar






please help

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Guest autograss Barker
chassis name is wrong on the 2nd one uve put granlla when it should be graniis

i have tried this still no luck coming up with the same name and i also had to delete two other files to call the car graniis

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yes but u dont rename ure file,your car file should be called Graniis.


Refresh car manager,open it click onto a diffrent skin pack click 'swap' and then click back onto your skinpack with ure car in and click 'swap' again and try that.

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Guest autograss Barker

still no luck u know the filename is it supposed to be graniis.tex or .car ??

Edited by autograss Barker
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still no luck u know the filename is it supposed to be graniis.tex or .car ??

the actual car file, the converted tga, should be named :



that should be placed in the folder


the entry in the drivers tex file should be as Ryan posted, thats aslong as you ARE actualy using a granny MK2 saloon.

If you have no cars showing up at all, its because you have deleted all the other important details from the drivers txt entries.


the drivers tex file should read as follows, minimum:



; --------------

; drivers.txt

; use caution when editing this file!!!

; 2ltr @ buxton

; 23/08/2007

; --------------



table Driver

number 55

name B4RKER

chassis granIIs

rank 1

race_image 100

body_style ccar






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Guest autograss Barker

yey it worked !! i have got it going after some tampering and re-install and it was done thanks alot for the super fast help i am going to post another topic with my first skin for you all to see if you are intrested

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