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skin painters font needed!!!


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Simple answer to that is, DONT SEND ANYTHING YOU MAKE TO ANYONE! shouldnt be to hard?


As KC said, people cut them off the cars, i only send my stuff to 5 people because i know that they won't send it out and so far they havent. Either way its about time there was some respect to the creater and not just oh well i want it on my car so im juzt going to have it.


why should anyone have respect for twats who keep things for themselves and close buddies, you need to grow up a bit, its people like you which destoy simulators

the more addons / fonts/decals the better the sim would be, and as far as stig is concerned he tries his best , ok might not be the best but everything he has ever done has been posted for others to benefit from, and has helped out lots of folk with temp/car files etc. so allstar either apologise or crawl back into your cave, you disgust me...


so getting this right the stuff i use on my skins and don't send out makes me a twat then? I don't think so and don't see why allstar should apologise. And tbh you digust me calling anyone that spend hours making stuff for there cars and not sending it out a twat!

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why should anyone have respect for twats who keep things for themselves and close buddies, you need to grow up a bit, its people like you which destoy simulators

the more addons / fonts/decals the better the sim would be, and as far as stig is concerned he tries his best , ok might not be the best but everything he has ever done has been posted for others to benefit from, and has helped out lots of folk with temp/car files etc. so allstar either apologise or crawl back into your cave, you disgust me...

Allstar has no need to apologise. Hes made actual cars for the game, does that not count as an add on? The 180B has been released, the JagE has not as the models not quite right for the game.

Rather than insult someone thats spent countless hours of their making an ' add on' for the game, why not thank him rather than throwing abuse in his direction?

The problem here is that some people spend their time making stuff, and its up to them if its made readily available for release or not, the problem then stems from the hangers who harass people endlessly until they give in and let them have stuff, not to be released generaly. The problem is these hangers dont give two hoots about the makers wishes and then give em out willy nilly.

Im sure if Rodder was around, he would be spitting the dummy, and I dont blame him.



ADMIN, Please lock this thread or delete it!

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The problem here is that some people spend their time making stuff, and its up to them if its made readily available for release or not, the problem then stems from the hangers who harass people endlessly until they give in and let them have stuff, not to be released generaly.


Fair enough it's up to them if they 'release' it or not but it is annoying if they will give the template for a new car to some people but when you ask you get something to the effect of 'it hasn't been released yet'. No offence but either give it out or don't :shrug:

Edited by earache
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why should anyone have respect for twats who keep things for themselves and close buddies, you need to grow up a bit, its people like you which destoy simulators

the more addons / fonts/decals the better the sim would be, and as far as stig is concerned he tries his best , ok might not be the best but everything he has ever done has been posted for others to benefit from, and has helped out lots of folk with temp/car files etc. so allstar either apologise or crawl back into your cave, you disgust me...


I would spawn a long list of abuse, but seeing as its a forum i'l compact it down to this


When >>>> I <<<< make something that has taken me a few hours, why should i then go and send it to people like you?

Willy's like you is the exact reason why i dont send my stuff out, cos you have no appriciation for how long it took to make it and give no credit to the person who made it when you do use it!


However yes you are correct, the more fonts addons decals ect ect do make the mod better, so why not TRY MAKING THEM YOURSELF AND STOP PONSING EVERYONE ELSE's

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Fair enough it's up to them if they 'release' it or not but it is annoying if they will give the template for a new car to some people but when you ask you get something to the effect of 'it hasn't been released yet'. No offence but either give it out or don't :shrug:

Erik, I can see your point, BUT, is it not entirely up to the modeler/spin-painter/font maker if they wish to fully release something?


Take the elusive Granny coupe limo, in real life they are rare so the guy that modeled it in game decided that to ' keep it real'. He didnt want it released generaly. It was all his time and effort taken to make the car, so IMO, its up to him what he does with it.

Ive got the template :scared15: BUT before anyone asks, IM NOT SENDING IT OUT!

Its not for general use, and if certain people got hold of it, the poxy thing would be posted for download here, on ovalshite and every other online banger racing forum before you could blink, every free league would for the next 3 weeks be full of grids of Granny Coupe limos, all sign written in rodders unrelased font!


My advise to anyone that desperately wants a certain font or car template thats not bee realeased is this, if you want it that badly, dedicate countless hours of YOUR time and effort to making your own version, then once youve done that YOU can decided to either release it for everyone, or if you want to keep it just to yourself.


Until such time that anyones done that, they are completely ignorant ( in my eyes) to come on here and slate people for wanting to keep their own hard work for themselves.


And thats^^^^^ not aimed at anyone in particular, its ment on a general basis.

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Simple answer to that is, DONT SEND ANYTHING YOU MAKE TO ANYONE! shouldnt be to hard?


As KC said, people cut them off the cars, i only send my stuff to 5 people because i know that they won't send it out and so far they havent. Either way its about time there was some respect to the creater and not just oh well i want it on my car so im juzt going to have it.


why should anyone have respect for twats who keep things for themselves and close buddies, you need to grow up a bit, its people like you which destoy simulators

the more addons / fonts/decals the better the sim would be, and as far as stig is concerned he tries his best , ok might not be the best but everything he has ever done has been posted for others to benefit from, and has helped out lots of folk with temp/car files etc. so allstar either apologise or crawl back into your cave, you disgust me...


so getting this right the stuff i use on my skins and don't send out makes me a twat then? I don't think so and don't see why allstar should apologise. And tbh you digust me calling anyone that spend hours making stuff for there cars and not sending it out a twat!


sorry dode, but i think allstar started all the swearing and name calling,not me!!!!!!!!!!

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Erik, I can see your point, BUT, is it not entirely up to the modeler/spin-painter/font maker if they wish to fully release something?


Take the elusive Granny coupe limo, in real life they are rare so the guy that modeled it in game decided that to ' keep it real'. He didnt want it released generaly. It was all his time and effort taken to make the car, so IMO, its up to him what he does with it.

Ive got the template scared15.gif BUT before anyone asks, IM NOT SENDING IT OUT!

Its not for general use, and if certain people got hold of it, the poxy thing would be posted for download here, on ovalshite and every other online banger racing forum before you could blink, every free league would for the next 3 weeks be full of grids of Granny Coupe limos, all sign written in rodders unrelased font!


My advise to anyone that desperately wants a certain font or car template thats not bee realeased is this, if you want it that badly, dedicate countless hours of YOUR time and effort to making your own version, then once youve done that YOU can decided to either release it for everyone, or if you want to keep it just to yourself.


Until such time that anyones done that, they are completely ignorant ( in my eyes) to come on here and slate people for wanting to keep their own hard work for themselves.


And thats^^^^^ not aimed at anyone in particular, its ment on a general basis.


:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

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allstar and any one else conserned, we (as in I and skitzo) do make our own signs, they arent always great but when some one asks for help and some one else trys to help them we get total pr!cks hurling abuse all over the place because some one else isnt as good as you at something!


this is hopefully my final rant on this thread, if you dont like lump it (and dont bother replying!)

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Skitzo, your calling me a twat for not releasing a lettering sheet?

The reason i made them in the first place is because everyones skins look the same, so i wanted to be different. Problem?

Now everyone under the sun has it/them.

At the end of the day, (i think your stigs dad?) ive never seen neither of you make anything, and yet he sits here all day and posts everyone elses work.


And if im a twat, i wish my dad was cool enough to play a GAME! :shrug:



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Erik, I can see your point, BUT, is it not entirely up to the modeler/spin-painter/font maker if they wish to fully release something?


Well yeah but it's still a pain in the arse if they will send a new car to other people but not me :thumbs_down: That would be the equivalent (in real life racing) of you wanting to buy a Mk2 Granny off someone and them saying 'it's not for sale' then selling it to another driver later on. Yeah it's their choice but don't expect me to be happy about it.


BTW somebody else made a template for the Mk1 Coupe limo and posted it up on here a while back. I'm not going to post it up again but if they searched they could probably find it (I say that as most of the 'hangers' can't be arsed searching)

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Skitzo, your calling me a twat for not releasing a lettering sheet?

The reason i made them in the first place is because everyones skins look the same, so i wanted to be different. Problem?

Now everyone under the sun has it/them.

At the end of the day, (i think your stigs dad?) ive never seen neither of you make anything, and yet he sits here all day and posts everyone elses work.


And if im a twat, i wish my dad was cool enough to play a GAME! :shrug:




answer to your 1st question = yes

answer to your 2nd question = if u wanted to be different u should not of given them out to some of your so called mates , who must of given others it, who maybe are not as selfish as yourself

answer to your 3rd question = i make things for a different type of simulator, and am admin of the forum, who is held in high regard by lovely unselfish people, unlike some silly little boys here.

answer to your 4th question = yep i is the coolest dad around, jealousy gets you no where.

ps--- its not a game its a simulator.

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