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Cowdenbeath Results


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Hello All,


First of all, can I say a huge thank you to Kev for sorting the servers tonight.


Secondly, can I thank each and everyone of you for racing. Apart from tonights GN's, and a few no shows in the previous meeting, it was great to see everyone stick around.


Onto the meeting, and tonight it was dominated by Ironmac #288, who got plenty of those valuable World Championship Qualifying Points. I will update those in a matter of moments after posting this. He also went onto win the Grand National, although he did not take the handicap.



Heat 1: 288 137 164 315 531 136 599 188 8 561

Heat 2: 288 16 525 531 365 136 363 2 488 233

Heat 3: 3 515 488 365 137 16 2 233 112 323

Consi 1: 112 8 188 561 363 323 599 391 52 nof


A-Final: 288 3 112 531 188 2 525 561 136 323

GN 1: 365 525 363 137 531 136 233 315 nof

GN 2: 288 3 8 323 112 2 515 599 nof



53 pts 288 Ironmac

38 pts 3 Johno

32 pts 531 Lee

26 pts 525 Maverick

26 pts 112 TomD

21 pts 365 Trav

21 pts 2 Michael

19 pts 137 MoR

18 pts 136 Kruiz

15 pts 188 Aub

13 pts 323 Madcowie

12 pts 515 Big Al

11 pts 363 Razza

10 pts 8 Tosh

10 pts 16 JK

9 pts 561 Murf

9 pts 315 Mike

7 pts 488 FatDave

7 pts 233 Grasser

6 pts 599 Harold

6 pts 164 Jarry

0 pts 52 Kev

0 pts 391 Corny


Finally, I want to make a couple of points about tonights meeting.


First off.... an apology. I am sorry the meeting ran a little longer than planned. Imade a mistake with the grand final, and then also I should have had 2 servers ready for the GN's. That was my fault, and will be noted for thenext double header in order to keep time going.


Secondly.... and I am afraid this is a little rant. I wish people would tell me if they are leaving the meeting. I fully appreciate that the meeting went on longer than I it was intended too, Ilike to be finished by 10:30, and it was 10:50, but I think it is only fair for you to put in chat that you are leaving the meeting. This would have directly impacted on how I would have run the Grand Nationals, as I would have ran one, but as far as I was concerned, when I called the first Grand National, no one had told me they were leaving. Imade the mistake of assuming Tosh had left earlier on in the season, and was not going to make that call again. As it turns out I made that wrong call. So, I apologise to all of you that stayed for the Grand Nationals.




It has been not only great to see an imporvement in the number of drivers, but also the fact that we are attracting different drivers. It is absolutely fabulous to see, and I do hope that you will be back for more. It is also good to see that there were not too many complaints tonight in the server. There is no doubt that these are the 2 hardest tracks, in the calendar. One has a sharp breaking points, and one is so tight it is very hard to pass. But, there was not too many complaints, so that was really good!!




Its the small matter of our first visit to COVENTRY, for a World Championship Qualifying Round, and another round of the National Series. It is destined to be an epic night, and I do hope that you will join us.







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i wasnt there for my gn as pc crashed and by time i got back you had started infact about 1 minute later when i tried getting in for the 2nd time you had finished otherwise that wouldve been 1 more car in gn 2

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i wasnt there for my gn as pc crashed and by time i got back you had started infact about 1 minute later when i tried getting in for the 2nd time you had finished otherwise that wouldve been 1 more car in gn 2


I apologise Dave - if you shouted up I must have missed it. Had I have realised, you could ahve slotted into either. Sorry sir.

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Top job Johno and Kev, well run as ever thanks.


It was tricky keeping out of trouble last night and not always achieved, but I didn't imagine I could possibly end up with a 2nd in a heat even with the advantage of starting from white on a narrow track, so I was very pleased with that. Unlike most races, the chequered flag actually came up sooner than I expected which gave me a right shock when I realised I was just behind winner Johno.


I had some good races with Harold as usual, sorry you spun out when I was passing you in the GN m8, I was maybe in too much of a hurry to get past.


Nice to have sneaked into the top 36 for the WC. Can I stay there?!?

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