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UKSOM Forum....and other stuff ;)

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Hi chaps,

Just a couple of things.....


1: Anyone who isn't a member on the UKSOM forum....you're still welcome to join but, thanks to the pill and porn-pushers, we've had to make the new memberships 'by application' so PLEASE ensure if you request to join the board you either PM either drumbstick or me so we can authorise the application and PLEASE use a name we'll recognise :) (your username here would be perfect for cross-checking for instance).


2: We're hard at work at UKSOM Towers finalising details for the next release so if you feel an I needs dotting or a T needs crossing (as they say) then shout up please. We've tried to incorporate our assessment on the features in the physics that needed improving or tweaking, and we've tried also to incorporate your assessments, so if there's anything else that you wish us to consider then please feel free to say....don't be offended if we can't deal with it for this release (like the sounds, that's a can of worms lol) but we're trying to include as much of the feedback as we can. There will still be the odd detail that it takes us a little longer to fix (real life drivers using the same car for shale and tar when they have a car for each in real life for instance) but this'll be an 'ongoing project' so don't be shy ;)


Thanks again for the feedback and support........Wrighty, on behalf of UKSOM.




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