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Hello All,


This Thursday will see the FINAL WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFYING ROUND take place on the tarmac of Skegness, START TIME 8PM.


Here is a direct link to the Official Points standings as we go into the final round: CLICK HERE


As you can see, there is battles everywhere on the chart.


Starting at the top, we have a battle between Kruiz (136) and Ironmac (288), with the driver that tops the chart deciding which semi final they wish to race in. Kruiz must start the meeting as favourite, especially considering he can now race and Ironmac now finds himself at red. That said, Ironmac is no stranger to red, and his wins in recent weeks will have given him plenty of confidence. Kruiz desperately needs to win so that he can pick his semi final, as he can only race at one of the venues (I wll let him decide if he wants to tell you).


Looking further down the chart, and positions 3 to 7 look very tight, as these drivers do battle for the front row of a semi final. TomD #112 currently holds that 3rd place, and will be keen to start on the front row of a semi final. Johno (3) is next in line, but work has sidelined him from the meeting, so he will have no effect on the outcome of Thursday's meeting. Walker (363) is currently at blue, and will fancy his chances of having a good meeting, as in recent weeks, he has scored well on the tarmac. They are followed by red tops MoR (137) and Lee (531). Lee has really come into his own in recent weeks, scoring consistantly and I think that he could be an outside bet for the front row. MoR is the current leader of the National Series, and as such, he will also fancy his chances. That said, I believe he has a holiday on one of the semi final dates, but I maybe wrong.


JK (16), Murf (561) and Tosh (8) look destined to be in 8th, 9th and 10th, although again in what order is most definately up for grabs. Michael (2) is next and 11th spot will give him a outside row 3 for a semi final. It is feesible however that both Mike (315) and Munis (17) could overtake him, although Mike is in a rich vail of form currently, and will be looking to score well.


Looking further down the grid, and postions 14 to 20 are all very very close, and a good meeting from any of those drivers could see them shoot up a row or 2. After Thursday's final win at Wimbledon, Dazza will fanc his chances of getting up the grid, and has a good record around Skegness, taking the UK Open title back in 2008.


The 10 drivers are again al very close, and a healthy points haul at the final meeting will help these drivers no end. Looking down the list, a good meeting is possible from Corny (391), Jimmy (259), Madcowie (323) and perhaps Spike (221), as his form has improved no end in recent weeks. Also in this section, wefind the defending World Champion, who is yet to race a meeting this year, and having not spoken to him in recent weeks, I could not tell you if he has intention of adding more points to his total, or race his semi final, but one thing is for sure, if he does race, he will definately score a bag full of points, or be a major threat in the semi final.


The next group of drivers is very interesting. In this group, we have one driver who has not paid his server fee this year, and as such will unfortunately not be taking part in the semi final. This is of course MrBeef (286), who is a sad loss to UK Dirt F1. With 17 points however, it is possible that he could drop out of the top 40, although it would perhaps take something special from the drivers around him for this to happen.


Looking at those dreaded last four spots, we have Harold (599), who has 9 points, LeeK (39) who has 7 points, Daveyboy (380), who has 7 points, and Jarry (164) who has 6 points. Harold and Jarry could possibly race the meeting, and with both drivers starting at white, they both stand a chance of increasing their points total. LeeK has raced this season, but has stated that until the Heat F1 season is over, he is unlikely to race, as he would like to focus on taking the major titles in that league. Daveyboy unfortunately does not have a computer capable of running rfactor at the house he currently stays in, and with work commitments too, it is unlikely that he will race.


This leaves 4 drivers currently out of the top 4, with Tinman (48) the msot likely to break into the top 40 should he race. Kev (52) has shown signs of imporvement, and perhaps he can score a few more points to add to his total. Mart (435) has only raced 1 meeting thus far this season, and although it would be great to see him out on track again, it is doubtful.


That said, all of the reserves are likely to get a spot in the semi final should they attend, as holidays will play havoc with the Semi Final grids.


Will we perhaps see any surprises on the grid for the final qualifying round. One name that springs to mind at the minute is F2 superstar Drumbstick (41). Drumbstick did very few qualifers last year, but still drove a great semi final, which put him on row 3 for the world final. Unfortunately computer problems meant that he could not take his slot on the grid, and as such, one has to wonder if there is perhaps some unfinished business for the guy? Wouldn't it be great to see him out on track?


Also, I seem to recall a white top driver perhaps being tempted out for a play in the form of Nezza (46). Nezza was improving week after week in the winter series, but has since found F2 to be easier, and as such F1 has gone onto the back burner for the time being. Could he perhaps b tempted out for another meeting...... and dont forget... his brother Kendo (192) has been known to have a dabble before....... could the two brothers be tempted out? Is that going to far?




This meeitng starts at 9:30pm, and once again is another meeting that could well be a classic. The race for the shootout is starting to heat up, and with a few drivers starting to lose tocuh with the guys currently in the top 6, will they be forced into playing their jokers to make the shootout. Also, Michael (2) has now played his way into contention, with him only being a handful of points away from the top 6.


And if you have a loook at the table as a whole, then no one really wants to try and run away with the lead. No one has broken away and asserted their dominance, and as such, there is a nice little battle for the top spot, which could possibly go to anyone of the top names.


With all this to play for, and more, how could you possibly miss these two meetings?!








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Quality read Johno.


Won't be doing the kings lynn meeting but hoping to do skegness but might not be able to race with leaving for for the skegness speedweekend on thursday night but not sure what time yet but will try and do at least some races before I leave.

Edited by Walker363
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