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just installed rfactor for the first time and the game will load up ok and go to the menu screens, but when I click to load track it crashes back to the desktop


Its a brand new pc with windows 7 so it should be more than capable of running it.


Any ideas anyone?




O Tate


hi, its the rfactor special edition 2008 dvd rom, haven't tried any of the add on mods yet, just trying what came with the game but nowt seems to work.


got a geforce g210 graphics card


thanks for the help



try the 1255 dvd F patch?


it maybe the grapics card isnt gd enough :(


I've tried installing the patch but no luck. Problem is theres no error message comes up when it crashes to the desktop, it just does it everytime, so I dont know where to start!


has anybody else ran rfactor with a geforce g210 graphics card? or is there anyway to check that its up to the job?


All I've done is a fresh install from the dvd, I havent missed something simple like authorising online or something like that have I?


thanks for any help/ suggestions


im on a 64 bit OS. when installing, you didnt happen to have a choice of x86 or normal program files?

im on a 64 bit OS. when installing, you didnt happen to have a choice of x86 or normal program files?


dont remember having a choice, but will try a fresh install to see if it gives me the choice, although the rfactor files are in the x86 program files at the moment.


thanks for the help



Got it sorted now, thanks for all the help. I did a fresh install but put the files in "program files" instead of "x86 program files"


very impressed, well done to everyone involved!




Oliver Tate

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