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Birmingham MI - Download Skinpack 2


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Hello Guys,


First of all, I would like to thank everyone that has booked in for tonight’s meeting. It really is superb to see such a great line up of drivers, and hopefully it shows that the F1 league is improving nicely.


However, I do think I need to remind you that we should always race to the rules and excessive hitting will be punished with heavier disciplinary points being handed out this year. Last week was fantastic, so lets make sure this week stays the same...... right moaning Head Admin bit done and out the way!!




We do have a skinpack tonight guys, which can be downloaded from the thread at the top of the forum or the UK Dirt Website.

It is skinpack 2.



Tonight’s meeting looks as follows:

5 Heats – Top 14 points scorers to the final.

1/2 consolations – 8 Qualify if there is 1, 4 from each of there is 2.

B-FINAL (Please note, there should be enough cars for not only a B-Final, but a points scoring one too)


2 Grand Nationals




Heat 1: 4, 172 // 17, 39, 107, 262, 365, 516 // 61, 151, 236, 561 // 3, 8, 16 // 112, 315 // Cars: 16 (Server 1 - .90) STEWARD: Kevin

Heat 2: 351, 515, 599 // 107, 164, 221, 488, 525 // 188, 256, 323, 588 // 87, 291, 363 // 1 // Cars: 16 (Server 2 - .91) STEWARD: Grasser


Heat 3: 172, 351 // 39, 221, 365, 391, 516 // 151, 233, 236, 588 // 3, 137, 291, 413 // 1 // Cars: 16 (Server 1 .90) STEWARD: Kevin

Heat 4: 399, 599 // 17, 126, 262, 488, 525, 527 // 188, 256, 323, 531 // 8, 16, 87 // 112 // Cars: 16 (Server 2 .91) STEWARD: Mike


Heat 5: 4, 399, 515 // 126, 164, 391, 527 // 61, 233, 531, 561 // 137, 363, 413 // 315 // Cars: 15 (Server 1 .90) STEWARD: Kevin




These will be given out in chat after the Final. Pease can you let myself or Kevin know if you are leaving before the grand nationals grids are called.


Please be in chat by 8:20pm, and don’t forget the Skinpack.





Edited by Johno3
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