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Results / Points - Baarlo(Short)


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23 cars raced tonight and the results were:

HEAT 1: 3, 527, 87, 236, 1, 221, 363, 39, 31, 8, 16, 4, 399 (dnf 172, 391)

HEAT 2: 87, 112, 531, 391, 17, 413, 236, 262, 8, 39, 31, 561, 525, 516 (dnf 172)

HEAT 3: 3, 531, 363, 17, 16, 527, 221, 561, 262, 1, 413, 516, 112, 4 (dnf 399, 525)


GRAND FINAL: 413, 112, 531, 363, 8, 16, 1, 87, 262, 527, 31, 39, 17, 391, 236, 221, 561, 3, 4, 516, 399 (dnf 525, 172)


GN: 3, 1, 561, 531, 112, 16, 391, 413, 87, 221, 527, 363, 236, 39, 17, 31, 516, 8, 525, 399 (dnf 262, 4)


Which meant the points were:

Number .. Points

531 .. 39

413 .. 36

112 .. 34

3 .. 28

87 .. 25

290 .. 25

363 .. 24

16 .. 22

8 .. 16

527 .. 14

391 .. 10

561 .. 10

17 .. 9

262 .. 8

221 .. 7

236 .. 7

39 .. 2

31 .. 1

Zero: 4, 172, 399, 516, 525


Congratulations to Matthew (413) on his Grand Final victory and for having the balls to take the lap handicap round here (and scoring points).

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First of all, thanks vey much to Kev for running the meeting and stewarding the races.


Well done to Matthew on taking the meeting final.


Personally, it was not too bad. The problem is, the points are all in the final, and if you dont score in that, you dont score big points. Heats were fine, both times came across a white top and ending up spinning them - sorry to them both again. It i hard around here as the corner speeds differ everytime. my lap times were yo-yo'ing around like mad. Onto the final, and as I said, you never know what is going to happen, and sure enough, eveything went wrong. I was a bit tentative off the start, trying not to damage he car and it cost me, as I got swallowed up into the pack and before I know it, I was around. Turn around, but the car was damaged. It was then I had to battle, and the more I tried, the worse my laps got, and with the damage, it made it worse.


Anyway, the first championship of the season next week, and the once a year three-a-breast clutch start final!!





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Cheers Kev, I built a new PC over the winter and planned on doing as many meetings as I could this year (here and other leagues/games) but various visitors and work trips mean I've hardly raced at all.


Was miles off the pace in practice, then tried my Buxton setup and suddenly went 2 tenths faster, weird! Got a great start in the final and was leading very early on, was tricky avoiding all the spun cars and I had a lot of luck, rear tyres were shot and Tom was catching me fast but he got held up and I managed to hang on \o/.


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I really enjoyed it, yes I was way off the pace but for the first 5 laps had some fun battles with fellow graders. as i said to Mav whilst we are slow at least we are getting experience and if we didnt turn up then the higher graders wouldnt have achallenge getting past us!!


Liked the track, and enjoying F1 more than I thought I would really,


looking forward to continuing to improve throughout the season.

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Thanks for running the meeting...what a bloody challenge the track was trying to do a lap yourself, never mind with a pack of blues and reds bearing down behind you! Really didn't expect to come away with anything tonight...struggled to get any sort of consistency in practice but the regrading defo helped for those early laps, and gave the whites and yellows time to settle doon and get into a rhythm before the bumpers arrived! The Final didn't get off to a great start...Spike was a bit too eager to get away and spun before the green flag, and the blues were on the scene in no time...after a few laps of sorting oot the inevitable happened...a pack caught up and sent me spinning, thankfully oot of harms way. Had a cracking battle with Fast Track towards the end of the race tho and thought we might sneak into the top 10 thanks to someone's last lap lunge ahead...as it happens, FT gets into the top 10 but doesn't make a space for me lol!!! GN was much the same as the Final...better start this time but got caught up with a couple of spinning cars throughout the race which sent me tumbling down the order. It might be only 1point scored but it was probably one of the most enjoyable and challenging tracks yet! Cya'll next time!

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