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Heat 1: 315 31 561 112 380 527 1 17 300 3

Heat 2: 164 561 315 112 527 31 1 300 17 136

A-Final: 527 315 112 561 136 221 1 3 164 380

GN 1: 315 561 164 136 112 31 1 17 3 527




46 pts 315 MIKE

39 pts 561 MURF

36 pts 527 FASTTRACK

35 pts 112 TOM

23 pts 136 KRUIZ

23 pts 164 JARRY

19 pts 1 DAZZA

16 pts 31 SKEET

12 pts 3 JOHNO

12 pts 221 SPIKE

8 pts 380 DB

6 pts 17 MUNIS

2 pts 300 MATTY

0 pts 262 HARMEN

0 pts 551 SAVAGE

0 pts 172 SPIKE JNR

0 pts 495 LEW


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Many thanks again to Spike and Kev for running the meeting :thumbs_up:


Superb stuff last night as far as I was concerned, am really glad the opportunity arose for a late booking...debated as to whether I'd have enough time to get some practice in but got home from work at a half decent time and thought well I've got nothing to lose. Got a bit of a shock after the first couple of practice laps and it took a wee while to suss oot the right line but after that, I just absolutely loved the challenge of the track! A wee tweak of the gearing and I was happy not to be a fortnight off the pace and thought I'd pick up a few points if I kept the car on the right line.


Got a major lucky break in Heat 1...started from the back row of the yellows, held back at the start and let the rest sort themselves oot...next thing I know someone spins on the homestraight sending the yellows scattering and holding up the pack behind, and I'm in the lead! Managed to stay there until the final third of the race when Mike appeared in the mirror...a wee nudge wide and he was through, but was still chuffed to finish 2nd. Got a good start in Heat 2 and latched on behind Jarry until I made a wee mistake and just caught "that" marker tyre on turn 4...the subsequent delay saw me get bundled oot wide by the pack, but again got back on the racing line and held on for 6th.


The Final was a very hectic start amongst the yellow grade, a lot of position swapping but all hard and fair, it was a Final after all...and then the blues and reds arrived and sent most of us scattering wide!!! Slipped oot the top 10 and then was nudged wide by Daveyboy...tried to keep up with the pack in the hope that there would be some frolics somewhere in the race but it was not to be, still a finish on the lead lap tho.


The GN was the highlight of the night despite my overexcitement costing me a better finish! Almost a carbon copy of Heat 2 in that Jarry and myself broke away from the rest of the yellows, and had a belter of a battle for the lead...that was until yours truly failed to learn his lesson from a couple of laps earlier and got broadside to the point of no return in turn 1 and battered off a marker tyre. Thankfully someone in the chasing pack straightened me back up and I was still in the top 5 until some bloke with an off-white coloured roof came tapping (makes a change from the thud!!!)...to be fair our squabbling at the start probably cost Jarry the win but it was fantastic stuff, side by side, tap for tap for lap after lap...superb!


Maybe I shouldn't have turned off those Superstar lights after all... :Lighten::party37::steeringwheel:

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Aye...good battle on those early laps but yer fenced the next time Skeetmeister :rofl::042:


Circumstances seen me fall down the listings in heat 1 but a good wee tussle with Johno cheered me up......heat 2 seen me win my 2nd heat in 2 weeks, shocking I know but I'm sure the luck will run out soon. A decent final and a good gn ended the evening on a high, for me anyhow.


Thanks to Kev and Spike for running the show.............. :thumbs_up:



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I had a very interesting night on Thursday, but I was pleased to see someof the lower graders going really well.


I just couldnt get a break on Thursday - bad luck stikes for the second week in a row. Did have some good races and battles, as Jarry ppints out above, but unfortunately they were always for the lower places in the top 10.


Well done to all winners - the next grading period could be very interesting again!





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