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THIS WEEK: 2010 F1 Grand National Championship


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Hello All,


This week sees the mighty F1's do battle at the superb Birmingham raceway for the 2010 Grand National Championship.


Birmingham is a favourite of many many drivers as the wide corners help to produce some of the most fantastic racing. Back in the earluy meetings of the year, Birmingham was the first track to have a 40 car meeting on the Rfactor platform.


This week's meeting sees drivers race in many different championships, with the most improtant of the night being the 2010 Grand National Championship. That said, the other two championships that are up for grabs are no small titles, its just they will not see winner being crowned on the night. The other championships are the National Points Shootout, which appears to have a two way battle for the silver roof, with Mike (315) closing the gap on defending champion TomD (1) this past week at Kings Lynn, and the Thursday night Thunder series, which again sees Tom and Mike at the top, but perhaps more importantly, there is a 'Top Triers' award which will no doubt entice all of those al important lower grade drivers.


Onto the Grand National Championship race itself, and as is always the case, the grid has a very mixed feel about it (The grid is subject to confirmation from Kev). The grid as I have calculated it is as follows:


ROW 1 : 112 - 3

ROW 2 : 391 - 262

ROW 3 : 527 - 561

ROW 4 : 221 - 315

ROW 5 : 8 - 39

ROW 6 : 290 - 172

ROW 7 : 31 - 17

ROW 8 : 137 - 365

ROW 9 : 164 - 363

ROW 10 : 515 - 107

ROW 11 : 531 - 399


Reserves: 236 413 484 16 488 516 553 300 136 87


Lookin at the grid, the favourite for the race must be World Champion TomD (1). Just over a week ago at Buxton, the same front row was in place and Tom got a superb start making a flag to flag victory look very easy. Hopefully, lessons have been learnt by myself (Johno 3) and I will look to challenge himin the early laps.


One of the favourite parts of the Grand National Championship grid is the variety that you get. On the second row, we have two blue grade drivers who both have different skills. Corny (391) is what I would call a 'real racer' who thinks about his racing and calculates every move. He has the pace to threaten the two on the front row, he just needs to make sure he has a good start. Harman (262) has got better and better as the year has gone on. Inititally causing a few proiblems for other drivers, he seems to have reigned himself in a little bit and is picking up good results in the process.


Back to superstars for row 3 and they come in the form of FastTrack (527) and Murf (561). Both drivers are good on the tarmac but would probably refer the shale. If they can get a good start, they wil be able to challenge for the victory. Row 4 then sees a blue top and a superstar. Spike (221) has come on leaps and bounds this season and a blue roof is just a small part of what he deserves for the effort he has put in. Mike(315) is well in the race for the silver roof and will be looking to try and get to Tom as soon as possible. Both drivers will need to use their bumper in the early stages, something that Spike is more than capable of doing!


I will not go through all of the drivers on the grid, as the grid is likely to change, but it is interesting to notice some of the other drivers that are on the grid. Dazza (290), MoR (137), Tosh (8) and LeeK (39) will be interesting to watch from the middle and back of the grid. All these drivers are more than capable of winning races but they will have their work cut out in the early stages to find their way to the front.


At the other end of the scale, it is superb to see the likes of Big Al (515), Skeet (31), Travel (365) and Jarry (164) qualify on the grid. These lower grade drivers have been racing in the F1 lague for a long time and I hope that some, of not all of them will be able to take their place on the grid come Thursday.


I will need to wait and speak to Kev on some of the technicallities, so for now I will leave it there.


After a few weeks of lower car turn outs, it would be great to see drivers all get together around the superb Birmingham oval for another great night of F1 action. I know a few things have gone off away from the online race track, but it would be great to be able to see as many drivers as possible at one of the biggest meetings (at the end of the season). There are plenty of races on the night (with each driver getting a minimum of 6) so there is no reason not to get your name on the board.





Edited by Johno3
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Just adding the poster. Perhaps some nice member of Admin will attach it to the above post.

Also bumping this to the top so everyone is aware of the meeting. It really has the potential to be a classic. Plenty of races on the day, all it needs is the drivers.

And that MoR betterget booked in after what he had to say on the results thread :rofl:


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And that MoR betterget booked in after what he had to say on the results thread :rofl:


Done...... cheeky sod!


Great write up ;)

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