Dave488 Posted May 16, 2011 Report Posted May 16, 2011 (edited) thanks all for racing was some good racing to watch early in the meeting but as the night went on it got worse and worse and some shocking driving and lap down take outs were seen, but aside form that at the minute a big well done to Aub for wining the final and for joint top scoring with Southy and Dode, also well done to all other race winners RESULTS Heat 1: 188, 256, 277, 165, 112, 221, 151, 199, 848, 599 // 365, 488, 760, 31 Heat 2: 112, 129, 1, 277, 46, 599, 641, 188, 954, 236 // 165, 365, 172 Heat 3: 199, 1, 256, 151, 236, 129, 760, 46, 848, 172 // 31, 954, 641, 221, 488 FINAL: 188, 236, 112, 151, 129, 256, 277, 165 , 1, 599 // 46, 760, 954, 199, 221, 641, 848, 488, 31 G.N: 277, 1, 151, 165, 236, 256, 954, 760, 848, 46 // 599, 199, 488, 129, 188, 221, 31 POINTS Driver - Points 277 - 33 151 - 33 188 - 33 256 - 32 112 - 32 236 - 31 1 - 30 129 - 26 165 - 20 199 - 13 46 - 10 599 - 8 760 - 7 848 - 6 954 - 6 221 - 5 641 - 4 172 - 1 31 - 0 131 - 0 115 - 0 365 - 0 488 - 0 131 - no show 115 - no show NEXT WEEK WE ARE RACING 2 MEETINGS 1 AT ARENA ESSEX ON SUNDAY AND THEN AT MILDENHALL ON MONDAY I WILL PUT A POSTER AND BOOKING IN THREAD FOR THE SUNDAY MEETING UP TOMORROW NIGHT PLEASE BOOK IN FOR THE MONDAY MEETING ON THE UKDIRT SITE AS USUAL Edited May 16, 2011 by Dave488
southy277 Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 WD to Aub on the final win. I agree with Dave. The meeting started great with some good racing, shame i didnt have a little more luck early on but then in the final i think some people got very giddy with the bumper work. I know its contact racing but its not banger racing. The bumpers are for tactical use and there is no need to launch at the driver in front on every bend. This is mainly a little advice. If people think about it, especially whites and yellows. The more bumper work you carry out early on in the race the sooner the reds and ss's catch up. All your doing is docking yourself points with every attack. Anyway, hopefully i'll see you all next week. Cheers. Southy
drumbstick Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 The racing in the heats was excellent, the race I was not it was one of the best races I have ever watched and the two I was in were fantastic. I don't know what happens to people once the final starts, its like a switch goes in peoples heads
TRAV365 Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 Cheers for the meeting Dave and sorry i left early but i just cant seem to get on with tarmac anymore i go it practise and was doing 14.8s quite a bit but come the racing i drop to back of reds and cant even get below 15s. seems to be like that most weeks i just loose all my pace come the meetings. cant be arsed to be a backmarker every week so will be sticking to shale only from now on. Thanks to Drumstick and Dave for the setup help though.
TRAV365 Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 Cheers for the meeting Dave and sorry i left early but i just cant seem to get on with tarmac anymore i go it practise and was doing 14.8s quite a bit but come the racing i drop to back of reds and cant even get below 15s. seems to be like that most weeks i just loose all my pace come the meetings. cant be arsed to be a backmarker every week so will be sticking to shale only from now on. Thanks to Drumstick and Dave for the setup help though.
Nezza46 Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 aweful night yet again and it seems to be getting worse all the time. At the moment it feels that every week at least one race of mine is ruined by dodgy driving, ott hitting or just someone p*ss*ing about. I like to take the f2 mod quite seriously to be honest, so the ridiculous driving standards are really starting to get on my nerves a lot now. at least twice I got taken right to the wall which is outragous when you consider how deep the corners are here, and then got completely wiped out of finishing at least 6th in the grand national by a car that came flying off the infield straight into the side of me!! I didn't even get an apology after the race and you wonder why I start f'ing and jeffing to the point that I get kicked from the server. Its getting so bad that I am seriously considering taking a long break from these and trying something else out like the saloons, which I imagine are kept a bit more light hearted? Please start disciplining bad driving with bans because its the only way people wil learn not to do it again. There is an etiquette to driving these which a lot of people need to learn imo. I appreciate that you are trying to get the numbers/attendances up, but I would personally rather race with 10 drivers who show some respect than a large field of cars who don't. As things stand at the moment it seems that people are leaving the mod which is not the way forward, and I can see myself doing the same soon if things don't change. This is my favourite mod by some way, so I want things to change quickly.
Nezza46 Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 aweful night yet again and it seems to be getting worse all the time. At the moment it feels that every week at least one race of mine is ruined by dodgy driving, ott hitting or just someone p*ss*ing about. I like to take the f2 mod quite seriously to be honest, so the ridiculous driving standards are really starting to get on my nerves a lot now. at least twice I got taken right to the wall which is outragous when you consider how deep the corners are here, and then got completely wiped out of finishing at least 6th in the grand national by a car that came flying off the infield straight into the side of me!! I didn't even get an apology after the race and you wonder why I start f'ing and jeffing to the point that I get kicked from the server. Its getting so bad that I am seriously considering taking a long break from these and trying something else out like the saloons, which I imagine are kept a bit more light hearted? Please start disciplining bad driving with bans because its the only way people wil learn not to do it again. There is an etiquette to driving these which a lot of people need to learn imo. I appreciate that you are trying to get the numbers/attendances up, but I would personally rather race with 10 drivers who show some respect than a large field of cars who don't. As things stand at the moment it seems that people are leaving the mod which is not the way forward, and I can see myself doing the same soon if things don't change. This is my favourite mod by some way, so I want things to change quickly.
wee dode Posted May 17, 2011 Report Posted May 17, 2011 southy hit the nail on the head! im getting fed up of certain drivers who fell the need to try go quick hard into every bend and feel the need to try fence or wipe out every car they come across!! But southy got it right the more bumper work and time you waste trying to get past people the further back you will finish. Not sure if its lack of race craft or just the must hit everything infront of me attitude im not sure but either way bans have to start being handed out! Also not being funny but if someone sits and swears in server like last week when scootah done it and few others done it this week, bans should be handed out automatically but thats upto head admin.
Waqar Posted May 18, 2011 Report Posted May 18, 2011 First Race win EVER. The final was mental, but really enjoyed monday night. Thanks to Dave for running it. See ya all on sunday and monday.
drumbstick Posted May 19, 2011 Report Posted May 19, 2011 Waqar said: First Race win EVER. The final was mental, but really enjoyed monday night. Thanks to Dave for running it. See ya all on sunday and monday. Well done mate, you were going much better
Waqar Posted May 19, 2011 Report Posted May 19, 2011 Cheers Drumb all thanks to that setup u sent mate.
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