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Results:Ipswich (27/10)


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Heat 1: 365 236 221 277 137 112 33 98 262 62 90 115 380 518 254

Heat 2: 131 39 560 290 527 3 1 150 285 126 151 292 525 237 300

Heat 3: 277 131 237 262 290 151 90 137 98 560 380 33 292 126 39 527

Heat 4: 365 112 1 236 249 115 3 62 150 300 285 221 525 518 254

Heat 5: 249 115 131 98 365 527 112 290 90 236 285 150 300 380 237 126

Heat 6: 62 3 1 262 292 254 560 151 39 525 137 33 221 518 277



Consi 1: 98 292 254 150 527 137 151 221 300 525 380 126 90 237 518 33 285


Tarmac Masters Final: 112, 1, 151, 262, 115, 249, 90, 277, 39, 560, 150, 365, 137, 527, 33, 221, 285, 525, 3, 994, 237, 236, 292


A-Final: 365 1 236 98 62 115 290 112 151 249 3 131 137 150 560 221 292 262 527 254 39 277


GN 1: 150 249 39 112 90 137 262 221 525 33 254 115 290 518

GN 2: 98 151 236 3 527 365 560 285 1 277 300 237 131



51 pts 365 travel

40 pts 236 DanSkin

37 pts 1 Mike

35 pts 98 Bailey

28 pts 112 Tom D

26 pts 249 stoxjack

24 pts 62 lithgow

22 pts 115 michael green

21 pts 131 Gary

20 pts 3 Johno

20 pts 151 Dode

20 pts 290 Dazza

17 pts 39 LeeK

16 pts 262 Harmen

15 pts 277 southy

14 pts 150 Swish

14 pts 527 fast track

14 pts 560 Dodge

11 pts 137 MoR

10 pts 221 Spike

10 pts 90 LiamB

6 pts 237 rickyljames

5 pts 285 Mav_Jnr

4 pts 33 jakie

4 pts 292 Marco

4 pts 525 Mav

3 pts 254 Samwit

1 pts 126 Leech

1 pts 300 Mattyaspin

0 pts 518 MartynR

0 pts 380 davey boy


465 jedd - no show


Well done to trav on winning meeting final and also top points scoring

Edited by DanSkin
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Some good racing last night - WD Trav but i think its time the paint brush and paint tin comes out. Good to see the numbers up and WD to TomD on another title! - I were happy with my 8th place after starting from the very back.


After my heat win I got bad luck in the following heat, damaged suspension in final. I still don't know why the white tops feel that if you pass them they must attack you even though you're miles faster than them - what's the point? Had some good battles with Gary and MoR - WD Guys.


Unfortuantly I don't think I can race next week due to moving house - Dam VirginMedia won't install until Sat 5th Nov!

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i agree southy, its crazzy like, like last lap for me in the final i was on travs back bumper and a back back (262) decides to take me out a lap down when i was going to get trav last corner lol, its a joke like but its racing at the end of the day and payback is a ......... haha, got to say it was good racing tho!!





WD trav on the final win

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