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trying to install new programe on xp,it keeps coming up with a box

16 bit windows subsystem


c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt. the system file is not suitable for running ms dos and microsoft windows applications.chose close to treminate  the application or ignore.


i tried ignore dont do owt  and close  closes the programe any ideas?  :

  banghead2.gif  banghead2.gif  :  banghead2.gif  shrug.gif  shrug.gif  shrug.gif  shrug.gif

Edited by jamesy
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Autoexec is what runs the CD when you put it in the drive- try either booting with the CD already in the PC, or, when putting it in the drive, hold the SHIFT key- this will stop it loading its autoexec commands, which may be borked rubbish.


Once you've got the CD in without errors annoying you, go into My Computer, right click on the disc in the list (D drive or whatever) and choose Explore, rather than Open. Hopefully you'll find something called "Setup.exe" or .MSI or something like that- try running that.


If all this fails, or it's not the problem I'm guessing, try looking for software to download- tell us the make and model of the tablet, and whether it's USB, serial, whatever.

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