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Chassis Handling Issue


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At the start of the season i started with the smith chassis's. I changed them in the second skinpack because i thought that my FWJ looked better once I finished them.


Since then on both surfaces I have a wierd handling issue which is making the racing alot harder and when i get to the end of the meeting i have not enjoyed it at all. I'm not after lots of points, even if i only scored a few and enjoyed it i would feel better about it. This will sound strange and i think it is to do with my driving style. Its hard to explain but Half way through the bend it seems like the car is on a pivot, its really hard to keep it too the curb and exiting the bends are awful which normally means me spinning or hitting the fence.


I have tried alot of things. Entering the bend slower, faster, messed with braking, inside weight, springs and the same feeling is there. As i know its probably a "all in your mind" issue i have altered the view which i see from the cockpit and still the same. A few of you have even sent me setups. Thanks.


When i have practiced in the servers i do like 100 laps with the FWJ car and then swap it for the smith / stu / falding cars and my corner is near perfect and my lap times are miles better within a few laps.


I have spent 20+ hours a week practicing with them and just can't get to grip with it. I really want to get on well if the car. Its hard to explain but i know instantly that its doing it. Probably wont make sense to you lol.


Does anyone have any idea's what might help as the further i continue the worst i am feeling about it. Really regretting doing the chassis change! doh!

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Attached Drumbsticks set up guide to this reply Southy. I find it really helps explain clearly & simply why you adjust something & why the chassis behaves as it does. Have a mess & see if that helps any.



At the start of the season i started with the smith chassis's. I changed them in the second skinpack because i thought that my FWJ looked better once I finished them.


Since then on both surfaces I have a wierd handling issue which is making the racing alot harder and when i get to the end of the meeting i have not enjoyed it at all. I'm not after lots of points, even if i only scored a few and enjoyed it i would feel better about it. This will sound strange and i think it is to do with my driving style. Its hard to explain but Half way through the bend it seems like the car is on a pivot, its really hard to keep it too the curb and exiting the bends are awful which normally means me spinning or hitting the fence.


I have tried alot of things. Entering the bend slower, faster, messed with braking, inside weight, springs and the same feeling is there. As i know its probably a "all in your mind" issue i have altered the view which i see from the cockpit and still the same. A few of you have even sent me setups. Thanks.


When i have practiced in the servers i do like 100 laps with the FWJ car and then swap it for the smith / stu / falding cars and my corner is near perfect and my lap times are miles better within a few laps.


I have spent 20+ hours a week practicing with them and just can't get to grip with it. I really want to get on well if the car. Its hard to explain but i know instantly that its doing it. Probably wont make sense to you lol.


Does anyone have any idea's what might help as the further i continue the worst i am feeling about it. Really regretting doing the chassis change! doh!


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Thanks for your reply Matty. Its the same guide where I have setup my setup. Like i said if i use smith chassis (i haven't tried the others) I can get near perfect laps and this issue doesnt feel like its there. Maybe i need to tweak the setup for this chassis compared to the smith one. Strange.

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Thanks for your reply Matty. Its the same guide where I have setup my setup. Like i said if i use smith chassis (i haven't tried the others) I can get near perfect laps and this issue doesnt feel like its there. Maybe i need to tweak the setup for this chassis compared to the smith one. Strange.


Im not really certain but irrespective of which chassis you opt for the default setup should be the same & work equally well? Can anyone clarify this? I always assumed that we were all starting from a blank template, where theoretically at least you should get the same times with any chassis & it is driving technique & ability that makes for quicker laptimes?


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Thanks for your reply Matty. Its the same guide where I have setup my setup. Like i said if i use smith chassis (i haven't tried the others) I can get near perfect laps and this issue doesnt feel like its there. Maybe i need to tweak the setup for this chassis compared to the smith one. Strange.


Im not really certain but irrespective of which chassis you opt for the default setup should be the same & work equally well? Can anyone clarify this? I always assumed that we were all starting from a blank template, where theoretically at least you should get the same times with any chassis & it is driving technique & ability that makes for quicker laptimes?


I agree and understand it should be the same for all chassis which is why I mentioned it likely to be all in my head but it strange that i can jump into another chassis using the same setup and go better. Obviously i need to mess with it alot more. If not then wait till next season and change. Cheers Matty.

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Its down to the seating position and eyepoint.


Only solustion if you can't get to grips with it is go back to the smith


I think your right Drumb. I'll mess with the seating positions and viewing options.

Would move straight back to the smith but will have to wait till next season now.


Thanks for your advise guys.

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