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MEETING INFO: Bradford 4/4/2013


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Hi , and welcome to WCQR 6 and also Round 3 of the Whites and Yellows Championship. Tonight we’re running on the first retro track of the season, The high speed bowl of the tarmac version of Bradford.




Few things to note tonight,


Firstly, The Whites and Yellows race will be the first race of the evening and will leave chat at 8.30 sharp. Can everyone please be in chat for 8.20 so you don’t miss it as we will not be hanging on.


Secondly, New grades come into effect this evening. Please ensure you have your correct roof colour and line up in the correct grade for this evenings meeting. Failure to do so will result in removal from the results and starting from the back of the grid for the rest of the meeting.




W+Y Round 1




Heat 1: 72, 244, 397, 556, 274, 527, 3, 39, 48, 129, 391, 40, 151, 221, 291, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 )

Heat 2: 43, 303, 491, 338, 515, 64, 125, 184, 238, 305, 137, 229, 246, 249, 380, 691, server .45 ( steward 256 )


Heat 3: 43, 60, 244, 556, 277, 338, 3, 39, 129, 184, 391, 151, 221, 246, 236, 380, server .48 ( steward 255 )

Heat 4: 72, 303, 491, 274, 527, 64, 125, 238, 262, 305, 29, 229, 249, 291, 112, 691, server .45 ( steward 256 )


Heat 5: 60, 303, 397, 556, 274, 515, 64, 125, 184, 262, 40, 137, 151, 249, 380, 691, server .48 ( steward 255 )

Heat 6: 72, 244, 491, 277, 527, 3, 39, 48, 238, 305, 29, 229, 246, 291, 112, server .45 ( steward 256 )


Heat 7: 43, 60, 397, 277, 338, 515, 48, 129, 262, 391, 29, 40, 137, 221, 112, 236, server .48 ( steward 255 )


A Final


B Final


Grand Nationals




Edited by Grasser233
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