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rFactor Crashing

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Basically on my new PC I can load rFactor up, but when I want to race in any of the F1 or F2 online/offline the game just crashes.


Can anybody tell me why, or give solutions?


Cheers, Sam

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I think it could be the tracks, as when I first loaded rFactor and used one of the original mods on an original track it worked, but if I try the same mod on one of the Ovals it crashes.

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I'd suggest starting from scratch.


Uninstall rfactor and then delete the rfactor directory from program files if is hasn't gone already.


Then reinstall it and check it works in it's non-modded form.


Copy this to something like c:\rfactor\backups\original


Then, add one mod and check it works.


Copy this to something like c:\rfactor\backups\original_with_f1


Then, add a track and see if that works...




Add a mod. Try the track(s)




Add another track. Try it in both mods.






Tedious, I know, but you'll find out what breaks it.


Out of interest, which mod have you installed first and which track(s) ?


Is it Windows 7/8 too? If Win 8, i think people have reported issues. Either way, try running the program in "administrator mode"


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