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Big well done to all of tonight's winners including RLJ for winning the last W+Y round, LeeK for winning his semi and the final, and of course Kane for winning his semi. :appl:



Whites and Yellows: 237 848 244 79 58 491 210 954 354 W+Y


Heat 1: 84 21 238 79 691 87 31 380 58 305 221 454

Heat 2: 244 848 397 954 116 488 217 981 246 491 80 354 211

Heat 3: 589 116 338 58 305 244 39 488 211 80 46 21

Heat 4: 217 354 87 31 954 180 380 237 210 691 246 491 641

Heat 5: 79 848 46 210 180 238 397 589 338 981


Central Series Semi #1: 39 84 589 691 981 488 954 380 237 354 79 338 244 454


Central Series Semi #2: 238 116 217 31 246 180 305 46 21 58 848 491 87 #2


Consi 1: 39 237 981 905 380 691 46 488 80 211 246 454 491



A-Final: 39 87 21 237 305* 84 848 180 116 238 217 58 589 210 297 244 338 31

305* docked 2 places for taking 4 wheels off the racing surface


GN 1: 84 397 21 87 589 488 237 454 246 981 305 58 238

GN 2: 238 116 46 31 180 210 354 39* 380 848 79 491 244




38 pts 87 Robin87 

33 pts 21 LouisH

30 pts 84 Timm

30 pts 39 LeeK

28 pts 116 JK

27 pts 848 Bully jnr

25 pts 238 Kane_M

23 pts 180 wardieee

21 pts 237 rickyljames

21 pts 397 HamsterJnr

19 pts 589 Stijneman

19 pts 305 jakiejnr

18 pts 31 Si

17 pts 79 weeryan

16 pts 46 Nezza

15 pts 244 krish

14 pts 210 skegTomp

14 pts 217 N.Burhenne

13 pts 354 Suicide

13 pts 954 Samwit

13 pts 488 Dave

10 pts 338 Evnos

9 pts 58 minitom

9 pts 380 Liam Powell

7 pts 691 Jakeeey

5 pts 981 MartinB

4 pts 246 Stox

3 pts 454 Frans

2 pts 211 Stannie

1 pts 491 crewesader

1 pts 80 Lars

0 pts 65 dan heath

0 pts 481 Mackie D

0 pts 221 Spike

0 pts 264 imberj

0 pts 641 Mav

Edited by Wardy180
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