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Congratulations to The Game who took the South Island Championship this evening in his first meeting of the season. He also top scorer, just pipping the returning Mike by 2 points.



Heat 1: 515r 8p 0r 4r 119r 75a 57p 591p 38rNZ 52p 5g 91b 35s 51h 16c 9p 29h 23h 46n 19c 96m 6v

Heat 2: 75a 515r 23h 119r 6v 591p 0r 5g 29h 91b 35s 8p 19c 96h 55r 52p 51h 12c 96m 38rNZ 9p 35b

Heat 3: 119r 591p 51h 8p 96h 91b 19c 57p 0r 4r 23h 52p 55r 38rNZ 35s 46n 16c 5g 12c

Heat 4: 91b 515r 51h 8p 46n 38rNZ 55r 75a 29h 5g 16c 4r 57p 591p 0r 12c 35s 19c 96h 9p 6v

Heat 5: 515r 6v 19c 75a 119r 96h 4r 55r 91b 29h 16c 57p 12c 52p 38rNZ 35s 23h 5g 46n

Heat 6: 515r 51h 6v 8p 55r 119r 29h 57p 4r 52p 0r 12c 16c 75a 23h 591p 46n 96h


A-Final: (119r :eclipsee_gold_cup: 23h :eclipsee_silver_cup: 35b :eclipsee_bronze_cup:) 4r 91b 8p 19c 51h 515r 75a 57p 12c 29h 0r 55r 5g 591p 35s 46n 16c 96h 38rNZ 52p 9p



229 pts 119r The Game

227 pts 515r Mike

214 pts 8p LeeK

204 pts 91b Kane

202 pts 4r Grasser

199 pts 75a Harmen

197 pts 51h Chevykiller

184 pts 23h DanSkin

182 pts 57p Ricky James

179 pts 0r Callum

177 pts 19c Jake Cameron

174 pts 29h Tsjalle

174 pts 55r Dave

172 pts 591p Sije

155 pts 5g KrisH

150 pts 12c Hazy

148 pts 96h Wardy

145 pts 16c Jack

144 pts 35s Hooty

144 pts 38rNZ Bexs

144 pts 52p Evnos

138 pts 46n Marten

127 pts 6v Milkman

80 pts 35b TomD

75 pts 9p Craig

32 pts 96m Crewesader

Did not turn up: One more no show when booking in and I will not accept future bookings for the following.


0 pts 85h Dayne Powell :3:


Many thanks to everyone how helped me run tonights meeting. The next meeting scheduled is Boxing Day, but I may move that to the Friday due to the Coventry meeting being on etc. Keep an eye on the forum for details.


Many thanks


Edited by Grasser233
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