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Scunthorpe (9.00PM)


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Well done to all of tonights winners, see you all ON SUNDAY at cowdenbeath!



Heat 1: 489 236 800 238 641 47 329 244 356 146 363 117

Heat 2: 8 90 112 180 101 246 380 474 167 488 394 443 691

Heat 3: 90 489 238 244 691 246 356 443 329 363 112 394 237

Heat 4: 800 180 236 8 474 380 39 167 47 101 117 488 146 641


A-Final: 8 800 329 90 47 244 112 356 443 246 238 180 101 394 380 363 488 236 691 474 117 489 167 39 237


GN 1: 238 641 244 800 489 237 39 363 236 329 117 356 47

GN 2: 180 112 101 90 246 474 394 167 380 443 691 488 8



43 pts 800 Ben

40 pts 90 LiamB

37 pts 8 lloydy

28 pts 244 Toff

26 pts 180 Wardieee

25 pts 489 Alex

25 pts 112 TomD

25 pts 238 Kaneoo

23 pts 329 tsjalle

19 pts 47 Samson

19 pts 236 DanSkin

18 pts 246 Stox

15 pts 101 bristolstokie

15 pts 641 Mav

14 pts 474 Danny

12 pts 356 Mitch

11 pts 380 Liam

8 pts 443 Ritzo

8 pts 167 CB

8 pts 39 LeeK

6 pts 691 Jakeeeey

5 pts 237 Ricky

4 pts 394 PaulE

4 pts 363 Walker

1 pts 146 Crashley

1 pts 488 Dave

0 pts 117 Dan W




0 pts 155 Micky

0 pts 52 HHunter



The replays are here!

Edited by Dave488
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Thanks Admin and thanks to all who raced tonight I enjoyed my first 2 shale meeting a lot.

I think I like F2's more than F1's now.( only because I can get points).

If I took any1 out I apologise it wasn't done intentional(YET) lol. :scared15:


Thanks Fella's for a good nights racing.




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