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Coventry GNC


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Hello and welcome to Coventry for tonight's Grand National Championship!! Please check you are in 2 heats!


The GNC will take place first, with a swift 8:30 start! (Server .48) Steward Stumpy


238 236

39 180

112 246

691 356

8 380

981 47

397 394

276 589

52 384

641 443

800 489

58 244



503, 82, 451, 103, 117


Heat 1: 103, 117, 47, 443, 503, 52, 589, 641, 58, 246, 276, 489, 112, 236, 238, 397, , (Server .48) Steward 255

Heat 2: 82, 451, 244, 394, 981, 92, 249, 356, 384, 8, 380, 691, 800, 39, 180, , , (Server .45) Steward 180

Heat 3: 82, 117, 244, 394, 443, 52, 249, 356, 384, 641, 8, 58, 246, 112, 238, 397, , , (Server .48) Steward 255

Heat 4: 103, 451, 47, 503, 981, 92, 589, 276, 380, 489, 691, 800, 39, 180, 236, , , (Server .45) Steward 180


Consolation: Top 4 to meeting final, , , (Server .48) Steward 255


Final: Top 20 points scorers from heats plus top 4 from consolation, , , (Server .48) Steward 255

(no B-Final)


Grand National 1: 103, 117, 47, 443, 503, 52, 589, 641, 58, 246, 276, 489, 112, 236, 238, , , (Server .48) Steward 255

Grand National 2: 82, 451, 244, 394, 981, 92, 249, 356, 384, 8, 380, 691, 800, 39, 180, , , , (Server .45) Steward 180

Edited by Wardieee
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