drumbstick Posted February 16, 2015 Report Posted February 16, 2015 (edited) Results: Heat 1 Result: 229 180 688 58 846 835 394 79 511 411 979 544 212 817 100 641 Heat 2 Result: 94 455 781 653 276 274 238 182 474 271 397 315 183 188 47 56 881 Heat 3 Result: 271 781 691 103 167 47 8 276 291 82 274 182 455 305 117 237 688 Heat 4 Result: 249 236 94 397 411 488 566 800 39 184 454 221 100 641 544 Heat 5 Result: 236 276 229 846 397 653 212 305 79 182 881 8 511 56 Heat 6 Result: 835 180 800 238 394 315 188 474 82 979 58 184 454 411 117 Heat 7 Result: 781 455 229 238 180 835 188 688 488 271 8 641 212 566 Heat 8 Result: 274 236 691 249 167 846 544 237 39 94 47 881 221 100 56 291 79 Heat 9 Result: 94 167 800 315 691 641 979 184 394 454 411 653 Heat 10 Result: 397 180 276 835 274 182 237 103 58 305 117 544 82 566 511 Heat 11 Result: 781 238 688 249 800 8 455 47 394 237 979 488 167 236 Heat 12 Result: 229 199 58 454 117 291 315 212 271 474 305 56 221 846 Heat 13 Result: 397 94 835 688 184 103 249 82 79 566 291 544 56 Heat 14 Result: 846 274 271 182 39 511 691 411 229 276 180 474 641 653 Heat 15 Result: 236 455 979 394 653 238 249 167 47 488 8 237 82 103 58 Heat 16 Result: 781 691 566 315 800 184 188 454 212 511 511 544 117 Semi Final Grids Semi Final 1 781 94 835 397 249 455 274 688 315 394 58 103 979 188 411 47 212 511 291 117 82 544 881 100 Semi Final 2 236 229 691 180 238 800 276 167 271 653 182 184 566 454 39 8 488 237 79 474 641 305 56 183 Semi-Final 1 Result: 397 781 688 835 511 274 47 249 94 58 82 212 411 117 394 979 NOF Semi-Final 2 Result: 236 180 276 691 229 800 238 653 8 167 488 271 184 641 454 182 79 56 39 566 237 Final Grid 236-397 180-781 276-688 691-835 229-511 800-274 238-47 653-249 8-94 167-58 488-82 271-212 A-Final Result: 397 800 238 180 688 274 47 229 58 249 94 8 82 781 653 271 511 691 835 488 167 236 212 276 Points: 53 pts 397 Hamster 49 pts 800 Ben 48 pts 238 Kane 47 pts 781 Rolphey 47 pts 180 Wardieee 44 pts 229 Tsjalle 40 pts 274 Bigdave 38 pts 94 Marriott 38 pts 688 Fordy 38 pts 236 DanSkin 35 pts 835 Robbo 35 pts 691 Jakeeey 34 pts 249 Jack 31 pts 455 Barker 27 pts 276 Tyzer 24 pts 167 CB 23 pts 315 Mike 22 pts 271 Keiron 21 pts 394 PaulE 21 pts 58 Minitom 18 pts 47 Samson 18 pts 653 Simmo 16 pts 182 shay 15 pts 103 Murray 15 pts 184 Wardy 13 pts 566 Dan 13 pts 979 Jamie 12 pts 188 Aub 11 pts 454 Frans 10 pts 411 Reece 10 pts 39 LeeK 9 pts 212 Pedz 9 pts 8 Lloydy 8 pts 237 Ricky 8 pts 511 Mark 8 pts 488 Dave 7 pts 79 Ryan 7 pts 291 Marten 6 pts 82 DBecks 6 pts 117 DanW 6 pts 474 Danny 5 pts 641 Mav 4 pts 305 Ron 4 pts 544 Micky 0 pts 429 SammyT 0 pts 881 Nathan 0 pts 54 Luke Beeson 0 pts 56 Vixtro 0 pts 183 Charlie 0 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 817 Tim 0 pts 925 Daniel 0 pts 17 Aza 0 pts 146 Ashley 0 pts 451 Stoxsigns 0 pts 677 Luke 0 pts 100 joey 0 pts 221 Spike 0 pts 331 Hutch 0 pts 3 Fast Replays can be found HERE Edited February 16, 2015 by drumbstick
samson Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 Cheers admin for running a smooth meeting.
Dbecks Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 Enjoyed the meeting well done admins for how well the meeting went and with the amount of bookings
drumbstick Posted February 17, 2015 Author Report Posted February 17, 2015 Cheers guys, it was good to have Stumps back in the box
Mav Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 I must concur with the above - A very well run meeting considering the number of cars, new drivers, 14 heats etc - Well Done guys The drivers had a part to play in it all too, as considering the variety of drivers there I didn't see hardly any "Stupid Driving" at all and all (bar one) seemed to be there to race and enjoy it. From my point of view, I found it difficult to adjust to the new physics and the first two heats were all about staying out of the way - last and almost last was the result!! But from my third heat onwards I changed to an old setup and adjusted it in comparison with the new setup I had. It was an improvement, but I had to go in tight on the corners and make sure I was straight before booting out of the bends - I just cant get the hang of drifting around the corner! Fourth heat and I felt confident and the race went well. I moved over for faster cars, no point in fighting them and I was chuffed to get 6th. Heat five was going well also until I was hit and spun dropping me down the order. Disappointed but it was racing. Shocked I made the Semi and really gave it a go feeling really on it (on my level anyway!) and enjoyed the race from start to finish. Moved over for quicker cars and although this lost me places, and a chance of being in the Final, it was better than being put out of the race altogether. At least this way I stood a chance if others fell by the wayside. I also moved over for lapping cars, so I actually spent more time on the outside than the racing line Finally finished 14th with 12th and 13th not too far in front and only lapped by first 3, so yay! Good to see a variety of drivers and if numbers continue it will make for an interesting season.
lloydy89 Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 WD josh and other winners! Thought it was decent meeting considering car numbers, like mav said just the one that seemed determined to spoil it. Chuffed with a few points as never go well on tar, annoyed about getting taking out in final when in the places but suppose that's racing. Massive thanks to admins for running the meeting, can't have been easy with 60+ cars
lloydy89 Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 (edited) Edited February 17, 2015 by lloydy89
DanSkin Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 Thanks for the meeting Drumb and Stumpy. Well done Josh!
Vixtro Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 Really well run meeting, I felt a bit embarrassed racing as I never could get on with rFactor, but I had to have a go considering the numbers. It's a shame to see only a few familiar drivers still racing, but at the same time it's great to see all the new drivers, with the league still going strong! Thank you everyone for the nights racing and to the current drivers keeping this league alive.
Junior397 Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 drumbstick said: Cheers guys, it was good to have Stumps back in the box It was mate, it sure was
Peewee Posted February 17, 2015 Report Posted February 17, 2015 Twas a good meeting in scored more then I thought and now really looking forward to the season starting. Thanks admins for running it as fast and smooth as you guys did
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