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UK Championship: RESULTS


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Congratulations to Kane for taking the UK Championships for 2016, Speedweek Results will follow soon!



Heat 1: 591p 116a 24m 84w 8p 10a 91b 57p 7p 29b 73a 85h

Heat 2: 591p 46n 84w 10a 91b 29b 41s 57p 89c 116a 24m 85h 19c 7p 73a

Heat 3: 591p 46n 84w 8p 10a 24m 91b 73a 41s 29b 7p 85h 89c 57p

Heat 4: 46n 84w 24m 91b 10a 591p 41s 8p 29b 57p 73a 116a 89c

Heat 5: 591p 91b 84w 10a 46n 29b 24m 41s 8p 57p 7p 89c 73a 116a


Final: 91b 46n 591p 24m 10a 8p 84w 29b 57p 116a 7p 73a



236 pts 591p Tsjalle

225 pts 91b Kane

223 pts 84w Wardy

218 pts 10a Grasser

214 pts 24m BenChambers

202 pts 46n Marten

195 pts 29b Frans

184 pts 57p RickyJames

178 pts 8p LeeK

170 pts 73a ThomasK

158 pts 116a Harmen

149 pts 7p MarkPuxty

113 pts 41s Reece Winch

97 pts 89c Alex

72 pts 85h Harry Graham

23 pts 19c JakeC

0 pts 515r Mike

0 pts 82s ShayMurphy


Next week is the biggest meeting so far for NZ's, the New Zealand Championship at Stratford... I shall see you all then!


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