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NZ Championships: RESULTS


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Congratulations to Tsjalle on winning the coveted 1nz, Ben had a good effort going in retaining but earned 2nz for his troubles instead. Lloydy capped off a good meeting by taking 3nz. Details will follow about painting new skins for this if they so wish. Please do not start painting them yet as I will have to go through some stuff with you first via pm, it'll be next week before I get to sort it so be patient please.



Heat 1: 46n 91b 24m 591p 84w 10a 77p 8p 29b 41s 73a 57p 16c 29h 96h 19c 7p

Heat 2: 96h 19c 591p 10a 24m 41s 77p 91b 8p 7p 84w 46n 57p 29b 73a

Heat 3: 24m 8p 77p 19c 591p 91b 57p 96h 84w 46n 10a 41s 7p 29b 73a 29h

Heat 4: 591p 8p 19c 77p 24m 41s 29b 46n 84w 7p 16c 57p 10a 91b 85h 96h 73a

Heat 5: 96h 91b 29b 591p 19c 41s 10a 73a 77p 8p 84w 7p 46n 57p 29h 85h 24m


Final: 591p 24m 77p 91b 8p 10a 19c 73a 57p 46n 85h



233 pts 591p Tsjalle

217 pts 24m Ben Chambers

216 pts 77p Lloydy

212 pts 91b Kane

211 pts 8p LeeK

208 pts 19c JakeC

199 pts 10a Grasser

188 pts 46n Marten

176 pts 57p Ricky James

170 pts 73a ThomasK

140 pts 41s Reece

139 pts 96h Wardieee

135 pts 84w Wardy

133 pts 29b Frans

118 pts 7p Puxty

91 pts 85h HarryGraham

63 pts 29h DurkG

48 pts 16c Jack


Next week is the South Island Championships at Nelson, I shall see you all then!


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