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Taunton WQR


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Well done Jamie on winning the final and top scoring!




Heat 1: 968 180 92 454 411 117 329 237 21 627 84 539 297 777 79 800

Heat 2: 117 454 329 237 180 184 647 800 981 627 39 21 718 82 79

Heat 3: 968 539 92 39 297 647 411 84 82 777 981 184


A-Final: 180 82 92 184 329 84 237 454 968 800 627 117 981 647 539 39 718 297 21 411 777


GN 1: 329 968 92 800 184 454 647 180 82 39 411 777 84 981 718 539 21 627 297 79 237 117




41 pts 180 Wardieee

40 pts 92 hoggy

34 pts 329 Tsjalle

33 pts 968 BraderzzCooper

27 pts 454 Frans

25 pts 184 Jack Ward

22 pts 82 Dbecks

18 pts 237 rickyljames

15 pts 117 Dan W

13 pts 647 Samson

13 pts 84 Timm

12 pts 800 BenChambers

10 pts 411 ReeceWinch

9 pts 539 Harryyy

8 pts 39 LeeK

6 pts 297 barbz

2 pts 627 PeteC

2 pts 21 LouisH

2 pts 981 MartinB

1 pts 777 HGR

0 pts 718 MartynR

0 pts 79 weeryan


:3:No Shows

68 Tomdavison


The replays are here!

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wd wardiee


heats were a struggle was not happy going into the final,

got a decent break in the final didnt think id get thru the first bend got some free space and just made best of what id got gutted i missed out on the final win but will gladly take 2nd place,

gn i had a bit of luck with a few cars decided on a last bend lunge on leek bit i think i went in bit too agressive so i apologise to leek for my actions as you always treat me fair


thanks admin

thanks everyone


wd braderzz on a good night too

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