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Posted (edited)

I want to put summit on cd-rom for friends to download the offline banger game. i did find the nascar heat essentials here : http://themodsquad.uni.cc/modules.php?name...download&cid=10  wich says i should be able to run mods without problem.

I dowloaded the tracks, the patches the bangergame2005 etc but i do get this message :

can anyone help what file i do miss or forgot to download ????


32.30.831: ======================================================================

32.30.831: Sep  6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R  senor_b

32.30.831: ======================================================================

32.30.831: mem: p/s/t t/a 255M/83M  617M/355M  2047M/2015M

32.30.891: JoyBegin

32.30.891: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

32.30.891: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

32.30.891: mod: trying mod "ukdirtbangers"...32.30.921: mod.cfg found ok.

32.30.921: mod: options.cfg not found, copying.

32.30.921: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\

32.30.921: Running on WinNT version 5.0:2195 Service Pack 4

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 1 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 2 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 3 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 4 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 5 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 6 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 7 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 8 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 9 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, retrying. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: FileReadExact: Tried 10 times to read 20, hit end of file at 0 (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: file: Can't read, used 10 attempts. (0) (C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\ukdirtbangers\ui.res)

32.31.162: ======================================================================

32.31.162: () Panic: Can't load resource set "ui.res"

32.31.162: ======================================================================

32.31.242: except: dec: exe  6b06c38

32.31.242: NON-DEBUG

32.31.242: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

32.31.242: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

32.31.242: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? )

32.31.242: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 004E99B7, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 004E7925, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 0041295B, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 00413036, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 0041BF87, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 0041C2EA, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 0041C2FC, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 00401206, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 004011BA, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 00413F27, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 004E7F73, call-stack , ? )

32.31.262: ( 004E81E0, call-stack , ? )

Edited by Fasternie

Hi Ernie


I think the problem is because the 'ui.res' file is 0kb ? (have a look) try and swap the file with one from another ukdirt mod.


I think the ui.res file from other mods will work.....


If not then when I catch you on msn next i'll send a working version over.






The ui.res files I've downloaded for F2s and for Legends both end up not working. I think this is because the installer uses a DOS batch script which does not work as intended on most XP systems. Unfortunately, the script does succesfully delete the files involved so you can't fix it yourself.


All my mods have the UKDirt F1 ui.res... If I could get a look at the installer routines, I could probably make something that would work for everyone- by tring the batch file first, checking the size of the ui.res file, then either cleaning up, or running a vbs script to do the same stuff. vbs tends not to work too well on Win98 etc, so you couldn't replace the batch files with it completely.


The ui.res files I've downloaded for F2s and for Legends both end up not working. I think this is because the installer uses a DOS batch script which does not work as intended on most XP systems. Unfortunately, the script does succesfully delete the files involved so you can't fix it yourself.


All my mods have the UKDirt F1 ui.res... If I could get a look at the installer routines, I could probably make something that would work for everyone- by tring the batch file first, checking the size of the ui.res file, then either cleaning up, or running a vbs script to do the same stuff. vbs tends not to work too well on Win98 etc, so you couldn't replace the batch files with it completely.

Does this mean that i can replace the ui.res file from the Ukdirtf1 for the ukdirtbanger ui.res file and the banger game will work ??or am I not right in that ?

Posted (edited)
Does this mean that i can replace the ui.res file from the Ukdirtf1 for the ukdirtbanger ui.res file and the banger game will work ??or am I not right in that ?


While i understand that that does work Ernie, i've noticed that one of the websites offering a link to 'essentials' also offers a link to a nascar heat 1.1 demo - its possible that this will include the UI that can then be used by the mods for the copying thereof (try here). My understanding is that the essentials in itself is more of a toolbox that allows you to run Heat mods......the demo is like nascar heat without the US tracks and paintskins etc included so it might be worth trying the essentials with the demo THEN installing a mod to see if thats where it recovers the UI from.


hope this helps........... Wrighty  thumbs_up.gif

Edited by wrighty496
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