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My Nascar Heat installation is on my D: drive, but that's because D: is my Windows (XP) drive, as I'd left Windows 98 on C:


As long as Nascar Heat is on the same drive as the Windows folder, it should be ok.


C and D are just letters of the alphabet usually assigned to hard drives and CD drives respectively (because A and B have historically been reserved for floppy disc drives)- not sure what Chubbs means by C/D. My hard drive partitions are C, D, E, H, (I), J, with the DVD drives on F and G.




i think what he is trying to say is when you installed the nocd you can't change the drive letter where it installs.


I remember this problem as my Dad installed it on his D drive.  He ended up changing it to his C to keep things simple.


If it aint the nocd patch that has this problem then one of the install files definitely do.


I don't ever remember having trouble with that- I always change the letter on the installers when it comes up with the file locations.


Probably, the solution is to install the Essentials package, then apply the 1.72e patch (or use the patch swapper doodad).

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