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RESULTS: Taunton - National Series 3 + GN Championship - 12/10/20


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Thanks all for racing! Well done to all winners.



Grand National Championship: 1 184 777 80 468 147 251 238 889 653 90 124 272 606 143 167 100 259 498 192 924 145  


Heat 1: 712 90 251 80 167 238 100 192 20 184 147 47 452 272 319 498        

Heat 2: 259 145 957 1 468 124 653 777 606 474 143 924 492 680 104 889 83       

Heat 3: 145 47 777 452 143 468 20 251 712 492 498 238 653 167 606 83 319       

Heat 4: 80 184 889 1 124 957 147 100 272 90 192 259 474 680 317 104        

Heat 5: 1 147 80 251 184 47 238 100 192 259 606 498 492 83 317 104        

Heat 6: 90 889 653 143 474 777 124 957 20 712 167 145 468 680 272 319 452       


B-Final: 167 680 192 83 317 272 498 319 680 606 492 924            

A-Final: 1 100 712 777 238 474 251 145 653 90 147 143 889 184 80 20 957 259 47 124 452 468  


GN 1: 957 238 272 184 147 167 777 606 1 80 452 100 498 124 319         

GN 2: 145 712 90 143 468 653 889 20 474 259 251 83 317 47 192         



48 pts 1 Tsjalle

38 pts 712 ErinnM

35 pts 145 SKint

34 pts 777 HGR

30 pts 90 LiamB

30 pts 238 Kane_M

28 pts 100 Tomdavison

26 pts 957 Decky

26 pts 251 Tom_Armstrong

26 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy

23 pts 184 Jack Ward

21 pts 653 Ryan Simpson

21 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers

20 pts 143 Cammy

19 pts 474 BeesFanDanny

19 pts 147 MarkF

17 pts 468 BraderzzCooper

15 pts 124 Wim Peeters

15 pts 167 CB

14 pts 47 Greg Mckenzie

12 pts 259 Trez

11 pts 20 Milan Sonnemans

11 pts 272 Eavesy

7 pts 452 Owen Strong

7 pts 192 brian

5 pts 606 Stannie

3 pts 680 ThorntonThornton

1 pts 83 BenS

1 pts 317 Hulley

1 pts 492 mastermealing

0 pts 104 rafmh

0 pts 319 ronniebp

0 pts 498 RohanK

0 pts 924 Tosh


The replays are here!



203 Moggy

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