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RESULTS: Skegness - UK Open - 19/07/21


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Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners.



Heat 1: 285 72 184 889 783 495 242 800 1 680 259 910 167 147 589 355 238 599 606 532 284   

Heat 2: 72 800 889 285 1 680 147 495 910 259 184 284 606 599 242 355 783 124 167 589 532 238  

Heat 3: 285 238 800 147 495 184 910 242 167 589 72 532 259 783 1 355 284 124 680 599 606 889  


UK Open: 800 889 910 285 589 1 783 124 242 184 147 680 238 167 606 284 355 72 599 532 259 496  


GN: 72 242 783 910 1 680 532 167 284 124 147 238 495 606 889 285 800 259 355 184 599 589  



41 pts 285 MOZZA

40 pts 800 BenChambers

33 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers

29 pts 72 Ethan

29 pts 910 McFerran

24 pts 1 Tsjalle

22 pts 783 d_dickson

20 pts 242 chesterlove

15 pts 184 Jack Ward

14 pts 495 RohanK

13 pts 589 Stijneman

11 pts 147 MarkF

11 pts 680 Thornton

9 pts 238 Kane_M

7 pts 124 Wim Peeters

5 pts 167 CB

4 pts 532 Jimbo.E

2 pts 284 CharlieS

1 pts 259 Trez

0 pts 599 Harold

0 pts 606 Stannie

0 pts 355 Agrindey


The replays are here!



144 LewisW

924 Tosh

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