Kane238 Posted May 22, 2023 Report Posted May 22, 2023 Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners. Results: Heat 1: 1 418 183 92 114 355 4 777 259 589 484 992 599 889 84 468 340 546 139 80 147 399 152 Heat 2: 340 259 468 777 114 139 889 1 80 147 183 84 4 589 399 355 92 992 546 484 418 599 Heat 3: 259 4 355 777 147 92 399 484 84 589 468 183 1 114 139 80 340 599 992 546 418 889 Heat 4: 259 418 355 4 1 92 147 114 84 889 183 139 484 80 992 589 340 399 546 468 599 777 Heat 5: 259 418 84 114 484 777 1 468 92 4 147 889 139 546 355 992 599 399 183 80 340 589 World Cup: 355 80 92 889 114 183 4 84 147 777 546 589 599 418 340 468 1 484 259 399 992 139 Points: 41 pts 259 Trez 41 pts 355 Agrindey 35 pts 92 hoggy 34 pts 114 DannyRoss 29 pts 4 OwenStrong 27 pts 418 donkeyjamie 24 pts 777 HGR 23 pts 1 Kane_M 20 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy 19 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers 18 pts 84 Timm 18 pts 183 Charlie Guinchard 15 pts 147 MarkF 11 pts 468 BraderzzCooper 10 pts 340 reecemcintosh 9 pts 484 Nutta 5 pts 139 EllieDouglas 4 pts 399 Joewebbo 2 pts 589 Stijneman 0 pts 152 Walton 0 pts 992 Burnsy 0 pts 599 Harold 0 pts 546 ethan howard The replays are here!
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