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RESULTS: Kings Lynn - Semi Finals - 14/08/23

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Semi Final 1: 92 80 147 184 589 210 6 832 84 484 659             

Semi Final 2: 889 58 1 777 114 924 24 546 340 399 731 386 599 479 713         


Heat 1: 58 399 924 80 147 1 184 127 889 340 479 659 599 832 713 84        

Heat 2: 546 484 889 24 92 80 340 127 114 1 924 589 147 599 832 399 6       

Heat 3: 546 924 24 6 589 147 80 58 713 84 340 832 599 184 484 92 984 479 659 1    

Heat 4: 127 589 889 546 24 84 399 58 92 984 114 6 479 659 713 484 184       


A-Final: 546 1 127 6 92 80 58 24 984 114 889 340 659 184 399 484 84 832 479 713 924 599 147 589

*Semi Final 2 is on the inside of the World Final


GN: 184 6 399 589 24 92 114 127 1 84 80 340 147 984 546 659 479 713 924 889 599 484 58 



47 pts 546 ethan howard

35 pts 127 Belgian Devil

33 pts 24 mozdog

30 pts 6 Kayyyy Owwww

26 pts 1 Kane_M

26 pts 80 ShayMurphMurphy

25 pts 92 hoggy

24 pts 58 d_dickson

22 pts 589 Stijneman

21 pts 399 Joewebbo

18 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers

17 pts 924 Tosh

14 pts 184 Jack Ward

11 pts 147 MarkF

9 pts 484 Nutta

8 pts 114 DannyRoss

7 pts 84 Timm

5 pts 340 reecemcintosh

5 pts 984 NielsR

2 pts 713 Hulley

0 pts 659 LeoHeffer

0 pts 731 Finners

0 pts 832 Bailey Tagg

0 pts 386 Petters

0 pts 479 harbord

0 pts 210 Davros

0 pts 599 Harold

0 pts 777 HGR


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