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RESULTS: Wimbledon - Golden Helmet - 16/07/24


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Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners.


Heat 1: 114 468 238 107 532 889 777 3 992 48 551 47 4 150          
Heat 2: 532 889 3 238 551 468 4 777 114 461 150 107 992 48 47         
Heat 3: 777 551 468 889 532 4 461 3 114 238 47 150 992 977 107 48        
Heat 4: 3 461 889 468 777 551 114 238 150 47 977 4 992 107 532 48        

Golden Helmet: 3 238 889 532 114 777 461 468 551 977 47 150 992 107 48 4        
Allcomers: 238 468 889 551 461 777 114 3 532 4 47 992 977 107 48         

53 pts 889 Ellis_Rogers
47 pts 3 Rentek Jnr
47 pts 238 Kane_M
44 pts 468 BraderzzCooper
38 pts 532 Jimbo
38 pts 777 HGR
34 pts 114 DannyRoss
31 pts 551 FredGreen
28 pts 461 Tomdavison
10 pts 4 OwenStrong
7 pts 107 Evnos
2 pts 150 HAZARD
2 pts 977 James
2 pts 992 Burnsy
1 pts 48 Jack Ward

1 pts 47 Trez


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