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Thanks for racing. Well done to all winners.


Heat 1: 8p 414a 55r 38r 16c 5g 64p 10a 2nz 42p 6m 84gb 96b 1p 53a 299c 15w 7n 4r 87r 591p 29b 19p 16b
Heat 2: 5g 8p 55r 1p 64p 414a 38r 2nz 96b 84gb 53a 16c 7n 15w 42p 299c 591p 19p 16b 10a 6m 4r  

Heat 3: 299c 5g 8p 591p 414a 1p 16b 55r 16c 1nz 84gb 53a 85h 64p 42p 7n 56v 38r 15w 6m 10a 19p 2nz 
Heat 4: 299c 1p 1nz 8p 414a 85h 5g 64p 96b 55r 53a 84gb 42p 591p 38r 16c 15w 6m 10a 7n 16b 19p  
Heat 5: 85h 64p 38r 1p 414a 1nz 42p 10a 299c 96b 15w 56v 53a 7n 16b 6m 84gb 16c 55r 5g 19p 29b  


World 240s Points:
:eclipsee_gold_cup: 97 pts 299c Tomdavison
:eclipsee_silver_cup: 96 pts 1p chesterlove
:eclipsee_bronze_cup: 93 pts 414a Cameron
89 pts 1nz Jack Ward
88 pts 85h HGR
84 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard
79 pts 5g Sworder
73 pts 42p Owen Strong
72 pts 38r Declan
72 pts 53a John Shuker
71 pts 55r DannyRoss
68 pts 84gb Fred Green
65 pts 16b Jorrit
65 pts 16c NielsR
65 pts 8p BraderzzCooper
61 pts 15w Joelan
60 pts 10a Trez
58 pts 7n Clayton
54 pts 591p Tsjalle
54 pts 6m JanBauke
53 pts 96b Winter
43 pts 19p Mav
43 pts 56v James
14 pts 29b Frans
13 pts 2nz Kane
0 pts 4r Lewis
0 pts 87r Niall

A-Final: 8p 1p 84gb 96b 299c 414a 42p 10a 85h 53a 64p 15w 2nz 6m 16c 56v        

Survivor: 16c

218 pts 1p chesterlove
217 pts 414a Cameron
209 pts 8p BraderzzCooper
199 pts 299c Tomdavison
194 pts 64p Charlie Guinchard
184 pts 84gb Fred Green
178 pts 42p Owen Strong
170 pts 53a John Shuker
167 pts 96b Winter
162 pts 16c NielsR
160 pts 10a Trez
150 pts 15w Joelan
144 pts 5g Sworder
142 pts 85h HGR
138 pts 6m JanBauke
137 pts 55r DannyRoss
133 pts 38r Declan
114 pts 2nz Kane
99 pts 7n Clayton
94 pts 16b Jorrit
89 pts 1nz Jack Ward
88 pts 591p Tsjalle
83 pts 56v James
74 pts 19p Mav
31 pts 4r Lewis
28 pts 29b Frans
16 pts 87r Niall


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