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What program to open ?


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I have just downloaded the ' middle_set up' and ' allround_set up' files from the files manager.

What program do I open them with, or if I have to install them to get them to work, here do I have to install them?  blink.gif




Should have added that the files are for the car setups.

Edited by crewie
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if you check the tread you got the set-ups from, i did leave detailed instructions on how to put them in your game..... banghead2.gif




download the attached set-up and unzip it .then copy and paste it into each track you have in your set up folder,if you do not have a paticular track in your folder ie wimbledon,you will have to go to that track in single player mode and load  the advanced set up,the track should then appear in your set-up folder.

once you have the set up in the track folder you should be able to load it in the garage screen,pls note this set up is a starting point only,it will require tweaking for ALL tracks,its not really any good for smallfield,and don't really suit metro's/yanks/jags.


Edited by mad mick
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