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my first renders


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Nice work Sparky, i like the scene you have built, however, i think you might want to look into using an alpha texture for the mesh as at the moment it just looks like a wall with the mesh drawn on (alpha texture may not be the correct term, but i know what i mean). Not sure if you have had permission to use the model, so not going to comment there, the skin is abit strange in some places, the checks are definately not right and the randall logo is a 'cheat' version of it, using the logo JB posted up, so if you want the skin to look 100% you should spend some time working on those checks right and making the randall logo from scratch.


Construtive Critisism.... remember :coffee:


Cheers MoR


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Very nice work Sparky, i think they look mint....




The forum was a happy place when people were allowed to use the models, been real quiet since....Fair enough when people hack into them, i can understand, i was enjoying getting into the rendering scene, but whats the point now when some of the F2 models wont share anything....and we cant post our effort's....some are willing to share, so maybe a list of the ones we can use would be very helpfull to me and many others who are leaning to use max etc....




Sorry to add this to your post Sparky, hope you dont mind....






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MoR you are a plank.


Ive read what you have wrote on here about skins and i think your heads about the explode.


Your not the best skin painter, your skins are not wonderfull and dont look 100% as you say. So what if he has used JBs Randall logo. Why did JB post it up. Why does he have to make it from scratch if a perfectly good one is on the forum?


Mitch :thumbs_down:

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MoR you are a plank.


Ive read what you have wrote on here about skins and i think your heads about the explode.


Your not the best skin painter, your skins are not wonderfull and dont look 100% as you say. So what if he has used JBs Randall logo. Why did JB post it up. Why does he have to make it from scratch if a perfectly good one is on the forum?


Mitch :thumbs_down:


Oh christ, hi mitch.


I thought the 'contructive critisism' bit at the bottom would prevent a post like this, but again, like many other times i have to explain myself once again.


First of all, i'd like to say, nothing has ever gone to my head Mitch, if you'd have met me in real life you would know that. I have never said i am the best skin painter, i have never said my skins are 100% and never said they are wonderful. I've had my fair share of constructive critisism like this overtime, esspecially recently with modelling, but ask anyone who gave me it and find out whether i took it the right or wrong way. People helped me do what i do, so why shouldn't I try to help people aswell if i feel that they would want it or appreciate it. Your putting words into my mouth.


However, i've painted alot of real life skins now, and i do know what i'm talking about, if you want your skins to look like the real things its sometimes the BIG things that matter, and to me the checks and randall logo are the defining thing on that paintjob, and not something which should simplily be overlooked or rushed. I rush some things on my skins because i know that they are barely noticable unless analysed closer. But ever big thing i've made sure i spend that alittle bit longer, and i know i get the results i crave then.


Sparky, hope you don't take it that way, just as constructive critisism

Edited by MoR137
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Oh and by the way, MoR, the skins isn't meant to be a real life skin ;). And don't get started on the permission crap again. What a load of bull about us not even being allowed to post up our renders anymore because some poor fellow doesn't like us playing with his toys.




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Oh and by the way, MoR, the skins isn't meant to be a real life skin ;). And don't get started on the permission crap again. What a load of bull about us not even being allowed to post up our renders anymore because some poor fellow doesn't like us playing with his toys.





Ok Sparky my bad there, but the real lfie colours and aerofoil instantly said real life skin to me, I apoligise, but don't be so snotty about it ('its not a real life skin but thanks anyway' would've been nice). Glad to see you appreciated the advice too. And don't you challenge me about that permission 'crap' either, i said i wouldn't comment on it, i by no means said you were wrong in this case, so read it twice before you post. Don't worry Sparky, i'll make sure i don't post anymore comments like 'nice work' as you obviously don't appreciate it.


Next time i post a sparky bash post eh? Pah, try to be a little bit nice, with abit of contructive critisism and what do you get? ext time i'll just remember your 'sparky' n just grill you about the new cowide :banghead2:


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sorry if i seemed kinda , dunno how to put it. But sorry anyways. Cheers for the comments, i will try and put them into practice next time. Just defending myself alot around here lately, Plus I am not really considering coming back to ukdirt at the moment as I doubt i will be able to race fairly and be raced fairly due to recent goings on.




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sorry if i seemed kinda , dunno how to put it. But sorry anyways. Cheers for the comments


Top chap, cheers, nice one :thumbs_up:


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MoR your so full of it atm....get your head out your arse and let people get on with what they want to do, you seem to be the first to get onto people about whats right or wrong but not so much to help to them. You seem too perfect atm for my liking, seemed alright in the past but too bitchy recently, same as another few members on here.


Fair enough you seem good with what you've been doing but just chill out m8, we should make the most of ukdirt in every way we can, renders aswell it keeps people interested in the game/league.


I've really wanted to post my comments in other threads in the past but just never really thought it's worth the trouble.


Anyway, thats what I think after a few..... :king:





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I doubt i will be able to race fairly and be raced fairly due to recent goings on.


I don't know much about the history as i wasn't around last season, and i don't want to get to heavly involved but im sure that most of the people are mature enough not to be bullys


In the worst case seneario you could always re-register under a different name? and no one would know and you could have a fresh start,


But id think it would be great to show everyone you got what it takes :thumbs_up:






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MoR you are a plank.


Ive read what you have wrote on here about skins and i think your heads about the explode.


Your not the best skin painter, your skins are not wonderfull and dont look 100% as you say. So what if he has used JBs Randall logo. Why did JB post it up. Why does he have to make it from scratch if a perfectly good one is on the forum?


Mitch :thumbs_down:


Oh christ, hi mitch.


I thought the 'contructive critisism' bit at the bottom would prevent a post like this, but again, like many other times i have to explain myself once again.


First of all, i'd like to say, nothing has ever gone to my head Mitch, if you'd have met me in real life you would know that. I have never said i am the best skin painter, i have never said my skins are 100% and never said they are wonderful. I've had my fair share of constructive critisism like this overtime, esspecially recently with modelling, but ask anyone who gave me it and find out whether i took it the right or wrong way. People helped me do what i do, so why shouldn't I try to help people aswell if i feel that they would want it or appreciate it. Your putting words into my mouth.


However, i've painted alot of real life skins now, and i do know what i'm talking about, if you want your skins to look like the real things its sometimes the BIG things that matter, and to me the checks and randall logo are the defining thing on that paintjob, and not something which should simplily be overlooked or rushed. I rush some things on my skins because i know that they are barely noticable unless analysed closer. But ever big thing i've made sure i spend that alittle bit longer, and i know i get the results i crave then.


Sparky, hope you don't take it that way, just as constructive critisism



I thought i'd add my ten pence worth,

MoR, some of your tips for peoples work are great and work fine but can you please stop being so hard done by


PS. Sparky those renders are great keep up the gd work




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All i was trying to do was give a little bit of advice, i can assure you my head is very far away from arse and firmly on my shoulders, from experience i've appreciated any advice i have been given whilst learning the various things i've done.


From the many things Dragon (for examples sake) has posted on the forum, advice with painting skins have all helped me, some i remember are tips with the little sparkles on the writing (them not all being the same angle and size for example) and advice about how far things should be from the sides of panels etc. This advice has been invaluable to me and has also increased how much i enjoy painting, as the results are much more how I desire them to be. All i am saying is, i thought people would appreciate it if i also passed on advice like this. Some people do, some people don't.


I don't like being judged wrongly, I've never been big headed, full of it, whatever you would like to call it, one thing i've always had is a creative side, and the aspiration to make it as good as i believe i can. Everything takes a hell of a lot of learning, and modelling wise, what James and Dragon gave in regards time and patience in helping me, is also something i would like to give back to someone else wherever possible. And its the same with skinpainting. When i post, i don't believe i am the best, or any of that crap, i'm just trying to help. If i come across abit funny, then thats the disadavntage of being stuck behind a computer reading a few words i'm afraid.


Sorry if you took it the wrong way chaps :thumbup:


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No offence, but it looks like something on "Pimp My Ride".


pimp my banger :surprise:



lol i agree does look like something of pimp my ride


Good job whatever it is :thumbup:

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