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No such things as stupid questions...

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Mornin' all,


Whilst trying to finish off my rFactor F1 skins last night, I came across an option in the vehicle upgrades section I had never noticed before. Does the "Power Steering/FFB" and "Shale brake bias" upgrades relate only to FFB wheels or does it also influence the steering performance of non-FFB wheels? I've done a search through the Forum and can find no mention of these two upgrades in previous help threads but have found a few more helpful threads on steering wheel configurations...might get a chance to try some more wheel settings at the weekend so would like to know if I'm also barking up the right tree with the additional upgrade options. Thanks again!

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Bumpety bump...anyone know the answer to the original query? Gave the power steering update a try very briefly last night but couldn't tell if it made any difference as I'm still rotten :5:


Stupid question number two relates to wheel calibration settings...should I be adjusting the values in the "Rates" tab or the "Controller 1" tab in the Controls screen, or even both? So far, I've only been adjusting the sensitivity in the "Controller 1" tab but whilst searching through the Forum last week, I noticed a screenshot where a wheel user was adjusting the Digital Sensitivity? I admit I'll never get my pedals performing to their optimum as the calibration software won't let me adjust the axis thresholds, only the maximum range (compared to the steering axis, the pedals only operate on half an axis range so the throttle is awfy sharp, even with the sensitivity turned low in the game). However, could I be cheeky and ask for some wheel users to recommend a base steering lock and axis sensitivity for the game, by PM if you prefer? I've read on various threads and in practice servers of wheel users running anything from 20degree to 41degree steering lock on tar tracks...my cheap wheel has 4 different sensitivity ranges I can select by cycling through the mode button as well as the available adjustment through the game itself, so I'm just looking to try and pinpoint a base setting that I can work from. For reference, the wheel is Logitech's finest Formula Vibration Feedback...cheap, nasty and actually an Xbox wheel so doesn't run through Logitech's gaming software. Just call me a budget racer :042:


Stupid question number three relates to graphics...as most of you who raced on Thursday are aware, I'm struggling with night races a wee bit...the game runs braw on near full graphics in daytime but stutters like Roger Daltry singing "My Generation" as soon as the sun goes down. Even with every setting turned down to low and only having 5 cars visible, it was still a bit rough in the latter races. I have done a DirectX update to make sure it is up-to-date as I have an issue with the Saloon mod (lacking the bonnet in TV cockpit view, still to check it's been rectified) and am going to try running a lower resolution...however are there any advised settings in the rFactor config screen to perhaps improve GFX performance? I have just been running the default settings since I installed the game except for changing the resolution to match my desktop settings (1280x768) but notice there's options for Quality, Balance and Performance amongst others. FYI the GFX card is a Radeon 5550 384mb if memory serves me correct...obviously not top of the range but it handles GT Legends a helluva lot better than my old PC, so I thought it was no bad :rofl:


Any help anyone is willing to offer is greatly appreciated - thanks in advance!

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Thanks for the PM response from another wheel user who is adjusting Digital Sensitivity...will give that a try and see if it makes any difference :thumbs_up:


FYI the GFX card is a Radeon 9550, not a 5550 as I incorrectly stated in my reply :blink: I now know I've got the correct DX9 installed so I tried tweaking the shader settings in the rFactor config application to "Performance (DX7)" last night but it seemed to make the graphics even more juddery! Adjusting the resolution or detail levels had little effect, the only thing that seemed to have a major effect was reducing the amount of visible cars...anything more than 10 on a 20 car AI race saw the frame rate plummet to almost single figures. Decent performance seemed to be given around the 20fps mark...this is using "Auto" on the shader level in the rFactor config application. I've noticed in a couple of reviews that some gamers were "overclocking" the card as it seemed to have the capability...it's a term I'm no familiar with, any experts have more info or tweaking advice? Doing a search for any updated drivers is on my to-do-list but I'm always wary of doing this as the last time I installed a new driver for a GFX card, it totally knackered the desktop settings and I ended up having to do a restore.


Thanking you again!

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Have now worked oot part of my problem in respect to setting up my super cheap wheel...it only has 180degrees of rotation :banghead2: However, I still have a few sensitivity recommendations to try oot so will see if I can dial out some of the twitchiness, shame nowt can be done aboot the driver :king:


Does my ageing mind deceive me or didn't there used to be a guide back in the Heat days detailing how you could tweak your PC into getting a little bit extra performance from the processor and your GFX card? I seem to recall a few things you could do through the control panel to set what RAM was used and how it was set etc etc...anyone else aware of the existance of such a guide?

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