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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. ok if you know the name of the virus, go to google and type it in, then choose a site that diognses viruses, so it will tell you how dangerous it is, what it does, and how you can remove it, ill try find one


    but you need the name of it...

  2. My opinion on this is that Sparky indeed is a bit right on what he says. He indeed is still trying to make

    models and improve the game .. nothing wrong with that. Only i think if he would change his attitude etc

    and stopped annoying people so much that he would get more help and actually could finisch a model

    for the game. There;s nothing wrong with people who are trying to improve or add stuff to the game

    we all love.


    Further i dont think you should ban people just because they are non paying members. I also was a long

    time non paying member but i just enjoyed the forum, the discussions and for me just the skinpainting

    section so dont take that away from people who feel the same and not paying for jolt cause they dont

    wanna race online or just dont have the time for it.





    Totaly agree, i for one enjoy the skin section, seeing all the work people have put in as well as seeing what others thin about it. I know that if i was to get banned from here i would peeved to say the least lol. At the end of the day, we all love the same thing, that is short circuit motorsport on our computers and in real life so why we arguing, we should be working together helping each other out, so if sparky doesent happen to have the right programme and needs a little help finishing something then give him a hand? Im sure if you needed help he would give you a hand if ya asked him nicely


    Can we not just totaly forget everything and start over fresh.


    cheers James


  3. Can anyone zip me up or tell me where to get the templates for:


    Lincoln Town Car

    Humber Super Snipe Hearse

    is there a humber super snipe saloon? ( would like that one too :P)

    volvo 262 coup


    would really apreciate it, cheers :):2:

  4. What do they do exactly, these uni.res files, mine says 0KB but my game works fine, other than having no approve button, could that be something to do with it


    (im talking about the banger mod)


  5. Ok sorry for the double post, but couldnt find an edit button :blink:


    Anyway with a mixture of marks help and Mitch's numbers i came up with this:


    IPB Image


    needs a little touching up but not bad for first go :)


    thnx for the help lads

  6. You could always use the programme ENDITALL and just find it on there and just terminally cose the programme, until you can get rid of it, that was it can not do any/ anymore damage whilst you are trying to get rid of it, well as far i know that will work... :)

  7. If you ask me from what i have read this has been blown out of proportion. From what started as banter has not turned into slagging, i mean look were talking in a post all about how much people dont like someone...


    How would you feel if it was you this thread was about, it aint nice and i think it should be removed.


    However there are much easier ways of dealing with people than just kicking them off, everyone here has a mouth, so why not use it, talk to him and tell him that you think he is going to far and anoying everyone, and if he doesent sort himself out then he will have to face the consequence. Dont just press the bann button :banghead2:


    As for age...age is no excuse, i am 16 and can behave as responsibly as any other person on this forum, there is no need for the "he is only young". yes we do make a few mistakes but on the whole can be good people, just like everyone else



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