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The London Allstar

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Posts posted by The London Allstar

  1. Tinchy Stryder - Take Me Back...


    Allstar you should check there cover of Oasis' Dont look back in anger its the shizzle!


    Wouldnt happen to be this by any chance lol




    Onto Iron Maiden, about the only metal i listen to, this being my favourite song of thiers




    Quite like this thanks to Ryano aswell...




    But, straight back to hardcore




    And some hardstyle :)




    Problem with hardcore and hardstyleon youtube is the fact you cant edit the bass and equalizer to get the best sound :( Sub woofer is definatly required :D

  2. Gone right of the Prodigy, they're abit like Pendulum... Once were epic but their latest stuff is cack! Real shame as i love thier older stuff. I mean you only have to look at some of the tracks prodigy have kicked out over the years to see they are a class act, but that song is a real let down for me :(

  3. Why didnt he just realease them Allstar? :rofl:




    Hello all


    I am not being funny or having a go at anyone but why does every thread turn in to a slagging match ?


    I used to enjoy reading and looking at peps skins and comments but now dont see the point as they all end up with bad comments.


    No wonder not so people race on dirt anymore as it used to be FUN and everyone used to to be honest with comments but never slagged peps off.


    Sorry just thought it had to be said rant over !!!!


    Yep i agree with you Pants, this section used to be my favourite one and i would look at this bit before any other part of the forum. However there have been new people coming on here deamnding the stuf everyone else has made for themselves and they show absolutly no respect for it. Do you remember back a year or two ago when someone let someone else have something they made... well when they posted the picture for starters they thanked the person! When was the last time you saw someone thank someone for the lettering they've used on thier car....


    Really gets on my tits how people can just take take take and show absolutly no respect / thanks to the person that made it


  4. Yeah thats fair enough Aub, but there must be quite a few people who dont live near tracks that are running f1 / f2 meets and cant afford to go out on friday and satruday like myself. Could jsut leave it for an idea for the time being and see how many people are turning up for practice on a saturday once the season has started. If the nubmers are poor then we can forget all abot it :)

  5. :banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2: :banghead2::3: :3: :3:


    Fair enough if you made it kane, but you know whats going to happen now!


    Every car you see is going to have that font down the side of it. The point of making stuff like this is os that your car looks a bit different to everyone else's

  6. im pretty sure its a font loopy, could be Comact blk or LHF Convecta (just and itallic version of compact blk) the you just add drop shadow etc on it.


    also id like to know how you erase or delete part of the number and keep the outline round it and see another colour under it like callums a few posts above. (ive tried with a small eraser tool but its difficult)


    Theres been a tutorial posted before on how to do it, i cant be bothered to look for it but you now know its there

  7. think it was aub who said they wouldnt run it because of real life f2's having already started... or am i getting confused.



    No they havent started yet they start on the 28th of feb :)


    Anyway chaps thats for all turning up i think we probs had about 25 in thru the course of the evening and that is excellent for a saturday racing was very good to :)


    How many people is this going to affect? Depending on numbers i would quite happily offer to run a saturday evening session for those interested :)


  8. Good fun,shame I got disconnected and couldnt get back into the server when we were racing at buxton


    It's not just you walker, happened to me aswell and whilst talking to someone who was racing tonight apparently there was 3 or 4 of us having the same problem and all getting disconnected at the same time?

  9. The racing was top notch tonight. Just a shame that i keep getting disconnected from the server in the end. Proper disapointed as i was having alot of fun


    I think you have potential to run a saturday night rfactor league wether it be serious or just for a bit of fun / practice. Reached 20 drivers at one point didnt we?

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