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Everything posted by Haadee#525

  1. Haadee#525


    looks nice m8 , steering wheel should be a bit angled to the left
  2. i have the files , specs are good had the game working before
  3. i uninstalled the game, removed the directory. Reinstalled and tried racing standard game cars on standard cars still booted me
  4. when i click on load circuit my game quits. i reinstalled everything but still the same
  5. Haadee#525


    Allstar and Rodder them skins look the tits ! big WD
  6. Haadee#525


    damage can be better but certain not poo. Seen worse ones
  7. when im in the part of filling in the ip address it says : protocol unavaible can anyone help ?
  8. yer would be gd , i have xfire too
  9. if anybody wants to give modelling a serious try, or experienced modellers looking for a project.... if got a 1962 Ford Galaxie 2door template and reference pictures, already spent ages editing pics for the template cant get motivation to build the car, and it would be a waste to do nothing. If ur interested PM me or post it here.
  10. lol thanks gd van
  11. na got everything sorted now,but thanks for offering
  12. Haadee#525


    nice one weasel
  13. na then it wont fit in the chassis. things are all sorted now , will see when is release
  14. looks nice ricky
  15. again help wanted - i cant get an alpha layered tga that cuts out mesh shape in front window - help please ASAP. when thats sorted the car is done
  16. LMFAO ! quality m8 - cant w8 to get in on track
  17. not so easy like u are thinking but problem is solved
  18. wheel pics are sorted now got a question to ppl involved with F2 mod : how does the mod work - i tried putting it in game with normal pacecar system (pacecar0.mod pacecar1.mod etc.) but that didn't work
  19. looks gd
  20. yer it will have the wheels where they come with / race with. PICTURES WANTED OF THEM NEW RIMS UNDER THEM AND SOME THE TIRES THEMSELF
  21. RIP
  22. done rear susp stuff - working on wing mount
  23. thanks the car will have a front wing,yes it will be released on this forum HaaDee Admin Edit - Who cares about free leagues!!! UKDIRT F2's - the ONLY place to race!
  24. nice one !
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