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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Post late bookings and cancellations here please. Bookings will close at 7PM.
  2. Sportsmanship Drumb Driving skill Danskin Riding the hits LeeK Overall driver of the day James
  3. Well done to Hoggy for taking the meeting final and top scoring! And thanks for racing all lads. Seen some brilliant races tonight so I hope to see you all back for next week at Birmingham for the all important WQR! Results: Heat 1: 238 1 39 292 262 254 290 504 527 33 291 65 516 560 115 Heat 2: 184 92 48 21 151 233 380 249 236 525 107 221 237 122 285 Heat 3: 236 184 291 238 292 1 233 151 516 527 262 254 237 300 65 Heat 4: 92 21 112 504 39 560 277 221 290 525 48 249 515 107 Heat 5: 112 277 236 249 238 21 221 560 516 33 122 285 115 107 515 172 Heat 6: 184 151 65 48 504 290 1 233 525 292 300 527 254 237 Heat 7: 277 92 112 262 300 39 115 291 33 172 122 515 285 B-Final: 115 516 33 122 237 172 515 A-Final: 92 48 277 236 238 504 1 560 151 112 291 290 184 249 300 221 292 39 233 262 254 65 GN 1: 504 236 33 233 525 39 48 92* 527 115 262 300 515 237 122 221 GN 2: 184 151 292 254 112 1 560 249 277 238 107 516 291 65 172 285 *92 took the lap handicap Points: 55 pts 92 Hoggy 41 pts 236 DanSkin 38 pts 277 southy 36 pts 48 Tinman 35 pts 184 Chevykiller 34 pts 504 Timm 33 pts 238 Kane_M 31 pts 112 Tom D 28 pts 151 dode 28 pts 1 Mike 19 pts 292 Marco 19 pts 39 LeeK 17 pts 560 Dodge 15 pts 21 skegTomp 14 pts 233 Grasser 12 pts 33 jakie 11 pts 254 Samwit 10 pts 525 Mav 10 pts 249 stoxjack 9 pts 262 Harmen 7 pts 291 Marten 6 pts 65 ALi P 6 pts 290 Dazza 5 pts 527 fast track 4 pts 300 Mattyaspin 4 pts 115 michael green 3 pts 221 Spike 2 pts 380 davey boy 2 pts 516 IanStep 1 pts 172 spikejnr 0 pts 237 rickyljames 0 pts 285 Mav_Jnr 0 pts 515 Big Al 0 pts 107 JanHarm 0 pts 122 craigcharles
  4. Meeting info Coventry 29/03 Make sure you are in 3 heats each. Heat 1: 33, 65, 305, 238, 254, 504, 262, 291, 292, 516, 527, 560, 39, 115, 1, 290 server .48 ( steward - 112) Heat 2: 21, 237, 92, 184, 285, 525, 48, 107, 122, 221, 380, 151, 233, 249, 236 server .45 ( steward - 515) Heat 3: 65, 172, 237, 184, 238, 254, 262, 291, 292, 300, 516, 527, 151, 233, 1, 236 server .48 ( steward - 285) Heat 4: 21, 305, 92, 504, 515, 525, 48, 107, 221, 277, 560, 39, 249, 112, 290 server .45 ( steward - 380) Heat 5: 21, 33, 172, 238, 285, 515, 107, 122, 221, 277, 516, 560, 115, 249, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward - 291) Heat 6: 65, 237, 184, 254, 504, 525, 48, 292, 300, 380, 527, 151, 233, 1, 290 server .45 ( steward - 262) Heat 7: 33, 172, 305, 92, 285, 515, 122, 262, 277, 291, 300, 380, 39, 115, 112 server .48 ( steward - 249) Final (Top 22) B Final (final non-qualifiers) GN 1 GN 2 Cheers, Mike
  5. Bookings closed. Meeting info up soon
  6. Post late bookings and cancellations here please. Bookings will close at 7PM.
  7. Sorry link doesnt work anymore.
  8. Very nice skin MoR Here is my shale car, all done by MoR, I want to thank him alot for it!
  9. Yes, the server is open to everyone.
  10. Steve Green JNR please Red grade
  11. Hello all, Sorry for the late post but I haven't had much time since thursday. Anyway 4 teams entered the Team Champs last thursday and the racing was brilliant! After the heats the scores where like this: Rebels: 865 Panthers: 655 Lions 505 Scrappers: 325 After the heats two semi finals were being raced. Semi final 1 included the Rebels Vs. Scrappers Semi Final 2 included the Panthers Vs. Lions The Rebels and the Panthers won the semi finals. After the semi's the main meeting final started, and again the panthers dominated after a cracking final between the Rebels and the Panthers and again the Panthers won after 15 hard laps. So Well Done to the Palmerston North Panters for taking the 2012 Team Championship! Overall results: Palmerston North Panthers:TomD - DanSkin - LeeK - James Roterua rebels : Mike - JanHarm - Marco - Harmen Stratford scrappers: RickyJames - Aza - ChevyKiller - Random 4th British Lions: Stox - Kane - Jack - Random I hope everyone liked these NZ series this winter. Maybe next year again! Cheers, Mike
  12. I want to thank MoR alot for that! Awesome car! I love it!
  13. Tonights password is: champs
  14. Meeting info Team Champs at Palmerston North Welcome to the Biggest team meeting of these series... the Team Championships! Heats will be over 8 laps Semi finals over 10 laps And the main final will be over 15 laps All teams get 6 heats, you race twice against all teams. Points scored 1st - 100 2nd - 40 3rd - 25 4th - 20 5th - 10 6th - 0 DNF – 0 An example grid of how to line up: T1-T2 T2-T1 T1-T2 T2-T1 ‘T’ stands for ‘Team’ If a team does not have 4 drivers : random drivers not in that race may be selected to take part in the race to help that team 4 teams have entered tonight: Palmerston North Panthers:TomD - DanSkin - LeeK - TBC British Lions: Stox - Craig - Kane - Jack Stratford scrappers: RickyJames - Aza - TBC - TBC Rotorua Rebels: Mike - JanHarm - Marco - Harmen 1ST V 4TH SEMI 1 2ND V 3RD SEMI 2 Winner of the semi’s will race in the Final! PLEASE POST YOUR TEAM CARS AND NAMES IN YOUR RFACTOR NAME. Heats: Heat 1: Panthers - Lions Heat 2: Srappers - Rebels Heat 3: Lions - Scrappers Heat 4: Rebels - Panthers Heat 5: Panthers - Scrappers Heat 6: Rebels - Lions Heat 7: Lions - Panthers Heat 8: Rebels - Scrappers Heat 9: Scrappers - Lions Heat 10: Panthers - Rebels Heat 11: Scrappers - Panthers Heat 12: Lions - Rebels
  15. We really need more teams for tonight lads!!
  16. Team Champs at Palmerston North This is the biggest team meeting of the year... the Team Champs!! Run at the Palmerston track. You can book your team in this topic! Remember: Compete in teams of 4 drivers, If you've got any questions or if you don't have a team yet than please use THIS topic to keep this topic clean. We will use the team skins which are already in the game. Post what team you want to race with and which drivers are racing in it. Teams already booked: Palmerston North Panthers:TomD - DanSkin - LeeK - TBC British Lions: Stox - Craig - Kane - Jack Stratford scrappers: RickyJames - Aza - TBC - TBC Rotorua Rebels: Mike - JanHarm - Marco - Harmen
  17. Updated after the final meeting at Waikaraka!
  18. Thanks for racing all tonight. It was a good meeting and a BRILLIANT series. I really enjoyed all those meetings using the KIWI Mod. Hope to do them next year again! Thanks for racing! Well done to all race winners and to James for winning the final and topping the points! DON'T FORGET THE TEAM CHAMPS NEXT WEEK!! Results: Heat 1: 23h, 55r, 16c, 64p, 42p, 12c, 75a, 116a, 490gb, NOF Heat 2: 42p, 23h, 75a, 64p, 0r, 84gb, 16c, 55r, 490gb, 116a, 12c, 91b, NOF Heat 3: 42p, 16c, 23h, 91b, 64p, 12c, 55r, NOF Heat 4: 23h, 0r, 55r, 42p, 16c, 12c, 64p, 91b, 75a, NOF Final: 42p, 55r, 64p, 12c, NOF Meeting Points: Driver # - Points James #42p - 203 Mike #55r - 192 Spike #64p - 190 RickyJames #12c - 179 DanSkin #23h - 137 Jack #16c - 127 Harmen #75a - 89 Kane #91b - 84 Samson #0r - 65 Aza #116a - 54 Stox #490gb - 54 TomD #84gb - 30
  19. Hello all Tonight we will be racing at Waikaraka. Read the grids below very carefully and write them down. All races will be run from server 2 (.45) See you all at 8.20pm in the chat! UKDirt Chat Enjoy! TONIGHTS PASSWORD IS: last Heat 1: 23h-64p 16c-55r 84gb-91b 0r-42p 12c-75a 116a-490gb Stox to call!! Heat 2: 84gb-12c 75a-42p 116a-490gb 23h-91b 16c-55r 64p-0r Samson to call!! Heat 3: 116a-16c 42p-91b 64p-0r 84gb-490gb 55r-75a 12c-23h DanSkin to call!! Heat 4: 64p-55r 91b-490gb 75a-23h 116a-0r 42p-12c 16c-84gb TomD to call!!
  20. Keep them coming, last individual meeting tonight!
  21. Bookings for Waikaraka on 09-feb in this topic please! Until thursday 7pm! Bookings List: Samson 0r RickyJames 12c Jack 16c DanSkin 23h James 42p Mike 55r Spike 64p Harmen 75a TomD 84gb Kane 91b Aza 116a Stox 490gb Total: 12
  22. Updated after Huntly!
  23. Thanks for racing all tonight. A big well done to TomD 84gb for being the new New Zealand Champion!! Next week is the last individual race. Last time to score points!! Get booked in! Results: Heat 1: 42p, 84gb, 55r, 16c, 31p, 75a, 23h, 48n, 7p, 64p, 114r, 119r, 88r, 12c NOF Heat 2: 23h, 119r, 84gb, 16c, 55r, 75a, 48n, 515r, 31p, 42p, 64p, 91b, 0r, 12c NOF Heat 3: 84gb, 16c, 75a, 55r, 23h, 31p, 515r, 42p, 490gb, 64p, 116a NOF Allcomers: 84gb, 16c, 23h, 31p, 0r, 75a, 91b, 12c, 42p, 515r NOF NZ Champs Points: TomD 84gb 102 Jack 16c 98 Mike 55r 96 DanSkin 23h 95 Harmen 75a 93 James 42p 89 Skeet 31p 88 Spike 64p 77 LeeK 119r 58 Ginger 48n 57 Tim 515r 57 Ricky James 12c 44 Stox 490gb 27 Bailey 7p 27 JanHarm 114r 25 Aza 116a 25 Kane 91b 24 Samson 0r 23 Blair 88r 23 bungal 19c 0 Phil 6v 0 Overall Meeting Points: Driver # - Points TomD #84gb - 137 Jack #16c - 132 DanSkin #23h - 128 Harmen #75a - 123 Skeet #31p - 120 James #42p - 116 Mike #55r - 96 Tim #515r - 83 Spike #64p - 77 Ricky James #12c - 72 LeeK #119r - 58 Ginger #48n - 57 Samson #0r - 54 Kane #91b - 53 Stox #490gb - 27 Bailey #7p - 27 JanHarm #114r - 25 Aza #116a - 25 Blair #88r - 23 bungal #19c - 0 Phil #6v - 0
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