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UKDirt Members
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Everything posted by Mike

  1. Mike 515r please
  2. Nelson Tigers : Mike Marten Sije Marco
  3. Provisional booking please. Mike 515r
  4. 515r Stan Hickey please
  5. Good to see some stats back! I used the site very often when it was still online. Do you still have some stats from me Kev? Thanks anyway!
  6. Late booking please
  7. UKDirt has been invited to compete at some championships from the NZ racing league. (Sim Racing NZ) UKDirt drivers will be auto qualified in 2 meetings, this will be: 03/10 7PM Palmerston North - 248 Global Challenge 14/11 7PM Paradise Valley - World Invitation Championship But you can race the whole series if you want to. Racing is free! Download and install in listed order: http://www.ukdirt3.co.uk/rfactor/mod/KiwiSuperstocks.exe http://simracingnz.com/jamie/srnzkss_skinpack_2012_v6.exe http://simracingnz.com/jamie/srnzkss_skinpack_2012_v7.exe Register at www.simracingnz.com and then head in to the forum Register to the New Zealand Spring Series at http://www.simracingnz.com/forums/viewtopi...f=387&t=835 Post your rFactor ingame name (case sensitive) + number and club letter + real life driver name or custom + type of controller + type of view By registering to this series, you have read and agree to abide by the linked post. Examples of registrations for a real life skin (A) and a custom skin (B): A: The Game 37r Ken Hunter Wheel Incar B: The Game 81r Custom Wheel Incar Now that you have registered to the series, you can sign in to any of the rounds. Round 1 is the 248 Global Challenge at Palmerston North and its thread can be found at http://www.simracingnz.com/forums/viewtopi...f=387&t=836 The round thread has a details on server IPs, schedule, and rules. Round 1, 3, 5, and 7 are restricted to wheels only and no swingman view. Post below if you are interested to race and I will put you down. There will probably be a maximum of 5 UKDirt drivers auto qualifying for both events.
  8. A big well done to Hoggy for taking almost every race tonight and top scored! See you all next week at Scunthorpe! Results: Heat 1: 92 249 238 236 151 277 39 450 8 33 254 560 527 517 338 Heat 2: 600 112 305 3 98 504 1 525 515 184 550 122 237 48 115 262 Heat 3: 3 338 525 238 1 237 115 236 254 184 305 33 550 Heat 4: 92 39 98 112 151 277 262 517 122 560 249 527 515 Heat 5: 92 262 338 98 184 3 115 305 525 112 33 39 560 515 48 8 Heat 6: 600 450 527 1 236 249 122 238 277 151 517 237 550 254 B-Final: 550 48 515 254 560 33 517 A-Final: 92 450 527 277 238 98 115 112 236 262 525 3 151 157 338 249 305 1 600 122 39 237 GN 1: 112 39 527 249 254 238 338 92* 115 151 33 8 122 3 GN 2: 450 48 600 277 515 236 305 560 525 550 1 262 237 95 517 *92 took the lap handicap Points: 57 pts 92 Hoggy 40 pts 450 Stox Signs 33 pts 527 fast track 33 pts 112 Tom D 32 pts 238 Kane_M 31 pts 277 southy 27 pts 98 Bailey 25 pts 600 lithgow 22 pts 236 DanSkin 19 pts 39 LeeK 18 pts 338 Evnos 18 pts 249 stoxjack 17 pts 115 michael green 16 pts 3 Johno 13 pts 262 Harmen 12 pts 305 jakiejnr 11 pts 525 Mav 11 pts 1 Mike 11 pts 151 dode 10 pts 48 Tinman 8 pts 515 Big Al 8 pts 254 Samwit 6 pts 184 Chevykiller 5 pts 560 Dodge 3 pts 122 craigcharles 3 pts 237 rickyljames 3 pts 504 Timm 2 pts 550 Lars 1 pts 33 jakie 1 pts 517 azata 1 pts 8 Tosh Also Stox Signs will be up to yellow for scoring more than 30 points today! Well Done!
  9. Evening all, Tonight we will be racing at the tarmac surface of Bradford for the first Shootout round and tarmac masters round 5! The format for today is: Heat 1: 338, 450, 33, 92, 517, 39, 254, 277, 527, 8, 238, 249, 151, 236, 560 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 2: 515, 122, 237, 525, 3, 48, 305, 504, 600, 98, 184, 262, 550, 1, 112, 115 server .45 ( steward 1 ) Heat 3: 338, 450, 33, 237, 525, 3, 254, 305, 600, 184, 238, 550, 1, 115, 236 server .48 ( steward 1 ) Heat 4: 515, 92, 122, 517, 39, 48, 277, 504, 527, 8, 98, 249, 262, 112, 151, 560 server .45 ( steward 112 ) Heat 5: 338, 515, 33, 92, 525, 3, 39, 48, 305, 8, 98, 184, 262, 112, 115, 560 server .48 ( steward 112 ) Heat 6: 450, 122, 237, 517, 254, 277, 504, 527, 600, 238, 249, 550, 1, 151, 236 server .45 ( steward 1 ) A-Final (Top 22) B-Final (Non points scoring) 2 Grand Nationals In chat for 8.25 please.
  10. Bookings closed, MI up soon.
  11. Late bookings here please until 7pm.
  12. I won't make it next week as I will be on holiday. Good luck to everyone!
  13. We all know that the racing in f1s aint the best again. You can follow someone in big time and spoil anyones race very easy and you can just carry on... I thought it would be a good thing to update the MOD and make them like they damage alot more, as example the NZ MOD. If you follow someone in there than there is a big chance that your car is so much bend that you can not carry on. Now I don't want to blame UKSom and everyone who made this MOD and maybe it is a hell of work... I don't know anything about it and I can only credit you for the job you lads do, so don't shoot me down lol. But maybe its something to look after because how the driving standerds are these days thats just horrible. Now what do you all think about it? Or any other opinions how we can make these cars much better to race again, as in real stockcar racing?
  14. Well done to all winners and specially to Hoggy who won the meeting final and top scored the meeting!! Results: W&Y: 437 300 525 255 33 237 515 Heat 1: 92 300 391 151 277 1 515 305 504 48 291 238 184 237 254 262 Heat 2: 437 300 305 600 527 515 238 291 254 504 33 961 1 115 249 112 Heat 3: 516 527 600 112 236 255 391 291 48 33 39 184 262 237 504 249 Heat 4: 437 277 255 236 92 249 1 237 262 300 600 151 115 961 254 516 39 48 Heat 5: 92 437 112 236 277 391 151 115 515 527 516 255 184 961 238 33 39 A-Final: 92 504 300 305 112 391 437 277 236 151 527 516 1 291 238 115 255 237 249 515 600 48 GN 1: 516 112 1 527 600 115 92* 184 48 237 961 238 254 255 GN 2: 39 236 391 151 249 437 300 504 262 515 305 277 291 *92 took the lap handicap Points: 55 pts 92 hoggy 39 pts 437 Stocky 38 pts 300 Mattyaspin 35 pts 112 Tom D 32 pts 391 Corny 30 pts 236 DanSkin 26 pts 504 Timm 23 pts 277 southy 23 pts 305 jakiejnr 20 pts 516 IanStep 20 pts 527 fast track 19 pts 151 dode 18 pts 600 lithgow 14 pts 1 Mike 12 pts 39 LeeK 10 pts 249 stoxjack 9 pts 255 Stumpy 8 pts 515 Big Al 7 pts 115 michael green 5 pts 48 Tinman 4 pts 184 Chevykiller 4 pts 262 Harmen 3 pts 237 rickyljames 2 pts 238 Kane_M 2 pts 291 Marten 1 pts 33 jakie 1 pts 254 Samwit 0 pts 961 sparky No Show: 336 Adam O 437 Stocky scorerd more than 30 points. So he will be automaticly upgraded to yellow for next meeting! Well Done.
  15. Evening lads. Please check that you have 3 heats and are not racing in both servers at the same time. WHITES AND YELLOWS BE IN CHAT FOR 8.15PM PLZ!! Meeting format: Whites and Yellows: 255, 336, 437, 515, 33, 92, 237, 300, 516 server .48 (Steward 1) Heat 1: 336, 515, 92, 237, 300, 48, 254, 277, 305, 391, 504, 184, 238, 262, 291, 1, 151 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 2: 336, 437, 515, 33, 300, 254, 305, 504, 527, 600, 961, 115, 238, 249, 291, 1, 112 server .48 ( steward 236 ) Heat 3: 255, 336, 33, 237, 516, 39, 48, 391, 504, 527, 600, 184, 249, 262, 291, 112, 236 server .48 ( steward 1 ) Heat 4: 255, 437, 92, 237, 300, 516, 39, 48, 254, 277, 600, 961, 115, 249, 262, 1, 151, 236 server .48 ( steward 112 ) Heat 5: 255, 437, 515, 33, 92, 516, 39, 277, 305, 391, 527, 961, 115, 184, 238, 112, 151, 236 server .48 ( steward 1 ) Final (Top 22) GN (depends on numbers of there will be 2 GNs) In chat for 8.25pm for a 8.30pm start. Cheers, Mike
  16. Bookings closed, MI up soon.
  17. Post late bookings and cancellations here please. Closes at 7.30PM
  18. Me please, Mike 315 S/S
  19. Sorry lads, my computer keeps crashing when playing the game. I think the video card has just passed away lol Hope to sort it very soon.
  20. late booking please
  21. unfortunately I can't race this meeting It's my birthday that day. Good luck to all racers!
  22. Cancel me for tonight please.
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