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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam


    Great skins, especially the Granada Estate.
  2. To be honest with you, I'm not really sure you can get the 'layered version'. Maybe try finding out who made the template and try messaging them.
  3. Adam


    Nice skin Lew.
  4. Adam


    Epic Skin Lew.
  5. Adam


    Nice skin Leech, top job.
  6. I'll be there, first burger on me Kendo?
  7. Adam


    Leech, before you jump to conclusions you must read it over a few times before posting something that someone didn't mean. I am another one that is going to agree with what Martin said and your skins are great, but sometimes try changing the design and the font of them and that will make them look 100% better. Also it will make people post more comments about your skins because its different each time.
  8. There's plenty more other threads you can post in.
  9. Adam


    You may have uploaded higher than your aloud to in one post. Try uploading one or two folders at a time.
  10. Adam


    Or your just a MUPPET!!
  11. Just race online with people, much easier.
  12. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think Ryano is still in school? Or has just left?
  13. May aswell just stick a piece of wood in place of it.
  14. Is it me or is the bars for the frame like really thin?
  15. Adam

    Tga to Tex

    Here you go mate. MKTEX.zip
  16. Nothing else to do...lol
  17. 2nd One....
  18. Epic. Shame you can't use your OWN signs.
  19. So why didn't you PM the person who brang up the topic instead of posting in the 2 year old topic?
  20. Adam


    I duno if these will be any good but ahh well. 4.zip
  21. Adam


    5 mins and I'll have a go.
  22. Maybe he replyed to a topic from 2 years to say thank you instead of downloading it and not saying nothing....
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