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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Adam


    Here's my TNB skin for tonight!
  2. Great Cars mate.
  3. Mint car Rodder. Any idea when it is being relesed?
  4. Merge all body layers into one, then create a new layer and name it 'Paint & Signs' and set it as a 'Overlay'. Then get the paint brush and paint over the car whatever colour you want. Hope this helps.
  5. Adam


    Top Job
  6. Adam


    It's called SignPainter HouseScript.
  7. Adam


    Double Post.....
  8. Adam


    Here's a skin i am currently doing, haven't got it rendered yet but here it is anyway. Comment's welcome!
  9. Heres my attempt. Not finished yet but will post it up when its complete.
  10. Cheers Dude
  11. Colin..
  12. According to Jamesy, Westworld has not been sold. Once again a stupid rumour.
  13. Maybe delete the track from your run folder, and re-install it, or get someone to send you theres. Hopes this helps. Thanks.
  14. Double post
  15. Driven to Destruction is still a good game, the damage could be a bit better buts thats the way it is. Like Dean said, it would be better to have a DD on the track instead of in a square, but then it isn't a english game.
  16. and Jamesy i see your making good use with my petrol tank
  17. Here's my latest one........
  18. I see your point that some non ukdirt members do contribute to make models etc for the league, but it was only what i thought off and didn't mean to cause any trouble. Recently there has been people joining the forum and posting loads of rubbish, Braderz516 for a example, he nevered raced Ukdirt and looked like he only joined to cause arguments. All people like him should be kicked off the forum and the forum would be much better, wouldn't it?
  19. The fourm should just be used for Payed Ukdirt Members!
  20. Didn't want to know thanks.
  21. Cheers Swindy
  22. Nice model Swindy keep it up
  23. It isnt always to do with the wireless connection.......Im on wireless and can run 3 computers while i race. I've only had a few problems with warp but normally stops once i turn msn off.
  24. Top Job Swindy Raced it tonight and the damage was just brillant
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